Cloth Diapering

Anyone used Tiny Tush?

My SIL is going to sell me her unused Tiny Tush Elites and FBs (all OS pockets). I've seen reviews on FBs but nothing on Tiny Tush. Any experience with FB or TT is greatly appreciated!
M/C #1 2001 (6w1d); M/C #2: 10/02/10 (4w4d); M/C #3 05/26/11 (4w3d) Clomid BFP #4 7/18/11 @ 9DPO Please baby stick! Beta #1 (11DPO)=51; Beta #2 (13DPO)=170; Beta #3 (19DPO)=2659!! EDD: 03/31/12

Re: Anyone used Tiny Tush?

  • Tiny Tush are my favorites.  They are very long which is great for me as I have tall boys.  They are the only ones that fit my 3 year old.  I started using them when DS2 was about 6 months so I'm not sure how they fit tiny babies; I've heard they're bulky.  They aren't bulky on my kids though.  If I had to start my stash all over again, all of my pockets would be Tiny Tush. 

    Married to J since 5/05, Mommy to T (10/08), L (08/10) and C (02/13) who was born at home.

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