Cloth Diapering

Do you like Sunbaby? Kawaii?

Trying to finish my stash while keeping price in perspective. We've hit kind of a rough patch money-wise, so these are two of the cheaper options that I have found that I like.

Please let me know what you think! Baby won't be here for another 3 months, so I still have time. I was wondering if I should do the 24 Sunbaby package or do 12 Sunbaby and then get some Kawaii too? I think the 24 Sunbaby package is cheaper in the end? But I don't know if these are good diapers or not.


Re: Do you like Sunbaby? Kawaii?

  • I know a lot of people love Kawaii, but they were no good for me - I could never get them to fit my baby right.
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  • Pretty much all I use is Kawaii with aplix. They've worked well for us.
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  • I have one Kawaii and it works great.

    Have you looked into a diaper trial? Used?

  • I have never used sunbaby, but I have about 10 kawaii. The pure and naturals will give you the smallest fit. They are good for the newborn stage. My LO is 2 months and I still have them on the smallest setting. I have 3 minky OS kawaii which we use at night. I double stuff them and they fit my on the smallest setting. Ever since I started using them as a nighttime diaper, LO started sleeping longer and it was easier to dreamfeed because I didn't have to change his little diaper. I would give kawaii a try and not put all your $ on so many of a diaper you might not even like. 
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  • My sister and I both use Kawaii and love them. 

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  • I have 12 Sunbaby and love them. But fit isn't really an issue with my baby--everything seems to fit her pretty well. They are ever-so-slightly wider/longer than FB. I also have Alva, another bargain brand, which is even wider/longer. But they have both worked nicely for us so far.
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  • Kawaii is ok for me. I would rather grab one of my BG 4.0s or a Blueberry.
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  • imagekielpinskim:
    Kawaii is ok for me. I would rather grab one of my BG 4.0s or a Blueberry.


    These are my sentiments as well. Truthfully, since you have another 3 months, I'd try to find some other pockets in EUC. I only have 3 Kawaii and won't be buying anymore.

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  • I have no experience with Sunbaby. 

    I have one Kawaii, and it's great. And honestly, it has held up WAY better than my BG 4.0's, or even Fuzzibunz. It LOOKS a little cheaper, but it holds its own. Look on Spots and just get one or two to try. Also, I had snaps. So I can't vouch for the aplix on them. The fit was never perfect, but it never leaked, either.  

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  • I have a tall and super skinny 15 month old that fits just fine in kawaii.  My stash is mostly that brand.
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    ~Started TTC 2/09. BFP #1 11/09. EDD 8/7/10. DS born 8/7/10.~
    ~Surprise BFP #2 5/11 while still BF'ing. Natural M/C @ 7w3d.~
    ~BFP #3 8/11. EDD 4/24/12. Heavy bleeding episodes from a lost twin. DD born 4/14/12.~
    ~Started TTC 2/13. BFP #4 3/13. EDD 11/8/13. Hoping for smooth sailing!~
  • We have Bg's that I grabbed on clearance and SB. The Sunbabies work well and wash up easily. I ordered 12 and used them for a bit and then ordered another 12 when new prints came out a couple months later. I say order 12 and give them a try.
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  • I haven't tried Sunbaby, but Kawaii irritated my LO's skin along the edges/elastic.  I guess it was just rougher there?  I don't know; it's the only diaper that's ever left serious red marks, almost scratches, on her skin.
  • I got a couple of Kawaii used and just tried them this weekend. So far so good. The inside seems rougher than my other diapers, but I think they might be a little more well loved (anyone know if this is normal?).
  • I have Kawaii snaps and velcro.  I must prefer the fit of the velcro. 
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  • We have a dozen of each. The Sunbabys fit better right now but the Kawaii are softer and seem like they will hold up better. DD has skinny legs and the Kawaii are not a good fit yet. Hopefully when she plumps up, they will be! I would try some of both, but not 24 of the same brand, just in case you hate them.


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