
I am getting so huge already!!

I ran this by the girls on 1st Trimester and my Due Date board, and they all insist that my change in size is just bloat. I was really bloated during weeks 5 and 6, but this is different. I am bigger around and my regular clothes just DO NOT fit. I had to use the ponytail holder trick on my jeans today and they were still tight. Last week they fit just fine...they were actually loose, and since I got pregnant I haven't gained any weight (I've actually lost a few pounds).

Is this normal at 8 1/2 weeks with twins? I can't believe I feel like a blimp and I've LOST weight!!  I'm confounded.

Re: I am getting so huge already!!

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    It is bloat, your babies are the size of raspberries, and your uterus is still way low in your pelvis.  Just wait until you are 35 weeks, then you will look back and laugh about you thinking you were huge at 8 weeks.
    Livian Elizabeth and Alayna Marjorie!  On their way to 3!
    Lilypie - (mtvk)
    Lilypie - (WdLV)
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    Yeah, ditto the pp. The babies are still extremely tiny. I didn't notice any bloat or changes until about 11w. (And I measured 12w at 12w and then 20w at 16w.)
    fraternal twin boys born january 2009
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    It's definitely bloat, especially considering the fact you did IVF.  Your ovaries are probably causing the bloat, mine were huge for a long time because HCG makes your overstimulated ovaries swell like crazy in early pg.
    This!  My RE looks at my ovaries each ultrasound and says I'm still hyper stimulated.   He said for me the symptoms (mild O like cramps and major bloat) will likely disappear around 11 to 12 weeks, just in time for the babies to take over. None of my clothes fit already, so even though it's just bloat, I can definitely sympathize!
    Lilypie Premature Baby tickers
    Married 9/22/07, began TTC 8/10
    Diagnosed with DOR, LP defect, mild endometriosis and cysts
    BFP #1 EDD 9/10/11, natural miscarriage at 6w
    BFP #2 Medicated cycle, twin boys born 4/4/12 at 29w4d
    BFP #3 EDD 8/8/14, D&C for missed miscarriage at 8w, baby boy with triploidy
    BFP #4 June 2014 CP
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    Hmmm...ok. I'll take you ladies word for it. Thanks for tolerating my dumb question.

    This bloat just keeps getting bigger and bigger. I guess I'll just stay in the maternity clothes to cover the giant blump.  

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    Yeah, ditto the pp. The babies are still extremely tiny. I didn't notice any bloat or changes until about 11w. (And I measured 12w at 12w and then 20w at 16w.)


    Thank god you said this b/c from 14 to 15 wks I definitely popped and was wondering if it was just me.


    OP, I bloated like that and used the rubber band trick on and off (still do!).  Don't stress!!

    Lilypie First Birthday tickers
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    I looked pregnant right away cause of bloating. I didn't really start showing though until 17 weeks or so....
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    It is bloat. I had a hard time fitting in my pants that early also. I didn't start gaining till 14 weeks because of horrible m/s with constant vomiting. I was holding my weight steady. I've put on about 10 lbs in 3 weeks though! The real bump has been there since about 14-15 weeks (cute lil bump, measuring at 17 weeks at my 15 week according to doctor) .
    Oct1201212 Twins born at 34w2d, Allison, 3lb,4oz-Ethan, 4lb7oz, both 16 1/2 inches. Out of Difficulties Grow Miracles BestBuddiesBoy AprilPosseMultiLilypie Premature Baby tickers
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    I started having trouble buttoning most of my pants around week 8, and was already getting comments from strangers at week 10. Now at week 14, I'm undeniably pregnant and fully into maternity pants. I keep freaking out about the size of my belly, but Dr. Luke's book says if you want to compare a twin belly to a singleton pregnancy, you should compare yourself to someone 6-8 weeks further ahead. When stuff wasn't buttoning at 8 weeks, I wailed to my husband, "This isn't supposed to be happening yet!" And he said, "Yeah, but you have TWO in there. You're twice as pregnant."


    Etta Jane and Claire Elaine are here! Born March 28, 2012.

    my blog

    What it's like to cloth diaper twins, Part I.

    Cloth diapering twins, Part II.

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    I felt what I learned was bloat at 8 weeks.  Now at almost 23 weeks I can't deny the bump that keeps me from seeing my private parts.  
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    I've gained 3 pounds but none of my pants fit me anymore. especially not if I want to be comfortable at all. 

    Also around 8-9 weeks I was wearing a belly band for comfort reasons, I just didn't like how my buttoned pants felt on my tummy. 

    Married 07/2011 <3
    ID Twin girls 04/2012 <3<3
    Baby #3 Due Jan. 2017  <3

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    It's probably a mixture of bloat and your expanding uterus pushing your insides up.  I was about as far along as you when I was like "whoa, this is out of control how much I am getting so soon!" (I didn't know it was twins until 11 weeks).  I did gain weight though, about 10 lbs in the first tri.  You'll probably be able to notice the change in your abdomen when you can feel your uterus as opposed to the "bloat".  When you lay down flat and it still feels really firm.
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