Hi, on my second ultrasound, last week, the dr. told me there were two sacs and one of them was empty, he said I should expect a vanishing twin. At 8w1d, I went to my 3rd ultrasound, and was shocked to see two sacs and two heartbeats, I'm so happy, the hb were 161 and 156, one of the sacs looks significantly smaller though but the dr. says that it could be the ultrasound angle. Has anyone seen a smaller sac on the ultrasound?
Re: Found out I am expecting twins on my 3rd ultrasound but second sac looks smaller...
I'm probably no help. One twin was always smaller for me, they always measured within days of each other, but I didn't have my first u/s until 9 weeks and then not again until 14.5 so I'm not good at early size difs.
Congrats on your pregnancy!