
Any words of wisdom?

I have to start of this post by saying I am incredibly grateful my pregnancy has been so easy.  I know how lucky I am.  My girls are 36 weeks tomorrow. and it's estimated they are more than 5 pounds each.  I am so proud of them.  That being said, I am physically and emotionally miserable.  These last couple of weeks have been really painful.  My lower abdomen is constantly cramping, I can't sleep, my back is killing me, the top of my stomach is burning and my legs are so swollen it hurts to walk.  I am only dilated one centimeter.  My doctor says if I go into labor, she won't stop me but she also won't do anything before 38 weeks.  I feel guilty complaining.  I know how many twins are born early and have to be in NICU -- but I am really struggling.  Any words of encouragement?  Advice?

Re: Any words of wisdom?

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    Don't feel guilty, I think we all felt like that towards the end.  You've done a great job and your babies are doing so well! 

    After they are born you won't think about all of the pain and sleepless nights, and be so greatful that you kept your babies in for so long.

    Best of luck to you! 

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    It's really hard, but you want to just keep pushing.  You really don't have much time left.

    Those last weeks are torture.  My girls were born at 36 weeks 3 days and had a few days in the NICU because they couldn't  hold their temps. Even though it wasn't a big deal in the end, I would have loved to have avoided it.  It caused A LOT of heartache at the time.

    And as much as I LOATHE when people say this - you'll sleep less when the babies arrive than you are right now!  But I know my thinking on this was that at least when the babies were here it was lack of sleep with a purpose.  I hated not sleeping when I was PG since I felt like I was the only one causing that problem! 

    So.......start taking some walks if you want if it would help you- sometimes it helps to feel like you are doing something to help kick start the labor!  Otherwise, keep your feet up, rent some really good DVDs (I watched Mad Men Season 1-3 the last few weeks of my pregnancy), read some books about babies (I wished I'd done this..I was so pregnancy focused that I didn't read anything about the babies!  LOL), and enjoy the time with your DH.  Try to go out to dinner (if you can) as that was one of the things that I missed most those early months.

    You're so close- it will be over soon!!

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    I know the end is hard but just remember that the longer they cook the better.  I have read lots of studies on differences even between babies born 2 weeks early and full-term.

    My twins were born at 36 weeks and 3 days.  I went into labor on my own.  Those weight estimate ultrasounds are +/- a pound in estimation.  I had one the morning my water broke and baby A was estimated at 6 lbs and baby B was estimated at 5.6.  They were born less than 24 hours later and both weighed a pound less than the estimate.  They both spent about 2 weeks in the NICU.

    So try to get comfy and remember it's worth it in the end.

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    I understand your pain!  I was induced at 39w3d.  My boys were 8lb7 and 8lb8.  I was so happy to make it that far but I was HUGE!  I could barely walk and I couldn't turn from side to side in bed without moving my stomach with my arms.  It's funny now, but at the time I thought I was going to explode!  Don't worry, relax as much as you can and know that it will pass.  When you see those beautiful faces you'll forget all about it.  Good luck!!     


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