
Not sure what I am feeling, so confused VTS?

To make a long story short, I recently had a miscarriage, on the 5th of July, I miscarried naturally as I didn't want to have a D&C, and I was being seen by a midwife. 2 weeks later I had a follow up and pregnancy test came back negative.


about 2-3 weeks later, appx 5 weeks after my miscarriage I took a pregnancy test and It came back positive, I waited a while before making an appointment in fear of more disappointment, and my midwife sent me for an ultrasound, to check my dates. Also I was feeling increased morning symptoms and extreme hunger which I had never had with any of my 3 pregnancy's before, so I slightly suspected twins.

The BIG Suprise . . .at the ultrasound I kept seeing something under the baby that looked like a second baby, but she kept avoiding it and was only looking at the "one baby", she then left the room for 20 minutes, It was horrible I thought she forgot I was in there or went home or something, I just waited with ultrasound gel on my belly. She then came back with a genetic counselor and told me it was 2 babies but only one was viable, and measured 13 weeks 4 days. she said the other baby was only measuring 9 weeks, and appeared much smaller. It has been appx 3 weeks since my appt, and I have to wait another 3 weeks before I have an appointment, with a doctor and hopefully a follow up ultrasound, to confirm everything. I was going to a birth center, but they can't see me now since it is considered high risk. and It has taken me a long time to get a new OB.

I am going crazy, I still feel so pregnant my pregnancy symptoms never lightened up, except the morning sickness, and my constant hunger is the same. I also feel huge for 16 weeks. so here are my questions.

1) How long does it take to find a heartbeat on ultrasound, since it seems like she spent very little time actually looking at the smaller baby, and does anyone think its possible she could have been looking at it from another room, (I don't know anything about ultrasound tecnology. I just don't feel like any time was put into the little one. ?

2) Is it at all possible for twins to measure that far apart, I just feel so weird being just as pregnant feeling, as before with no change in symptoms, and I have continually been gaining weight, like before.? I wish I could stop wonderig if there could be a mistake, does anyone want to help put this into perspective, any comments would be appreciated.

I am just trying to figure out if this vanishing twin, could not be vanishing , or if I am just hoping for the impossible.

Re: Not sure what I am feeling, so confused VTS?

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    I'm very sorry for your loss.  To respond to your questions:

    1.  It doesn't take long to find a heartbeat on an ultrasound.  Also, I don't think she was looking at anything from another room.  From your story, it sounds like it took time for her to get a GC to come in and consult.  I will say, I never had a GC consult on an u/s though, only an OB or an MFM.  Why was the GC there?

    2.  It's common for twins to measure a couple days apart, but not 4 weeks. 

    As far as your symptoms go, every pregnancy is different.  So you can feel symptoms this time that will be very different than your last- it's not an indication that there's more than one baby.  Also, have you had a child before?  You mentioned it's your third pregnancy (I know you said you miscarried once).  If you've had a child before, you'll get bigger sooner.

    Congratulations on your pregnancy and hopefully your OB can give you some better insight.

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    Yes I have 3 kids, 3 full term pregnancy's so that does probably explain why I look bigger, I think I just need another ultrasound to confirm everything.  Its harder fo me to understand than a regular miscarriage, which I have had, because there is no bleeding, cramping, or any other sign.
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    Yes I have 3 kids, 3 full term pregnancy's so that does probably explain why I look bigger, I think I just need another ultrasound to confirm everything.  Its harder fo me to understand than a regular miscarriage, which I have had, because there is no bleeding, cramping, or any other sign.

    I'm sure other MoMs will weigh in on this, but usually your body will just absorb the twin that wasn't viable. 

    We've had several MoMs on this board that lost a twin early on and went on to deliver healthy singletons. Hope that helps.

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    I'm sorry about your loss. I would call where ever it was that you had your ultrasound and have a list of all of your questions that they did not answer for you. Also tell them how uneasy you feel. Any ultrasound tech should not be able to tell you that info & if it was a doctor, they should have explained things to you much more so you would know what to expect. You have a right to ask questions. Good Luck :)
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