Cloth Diapering

Bleach ?

So this may be a dumb question. When I bleach my dipes would I just bleach the inserts or the inserts and the covers? Wouldn't that destroy my colors? I have mostly BG 4.0's and 2 very colorful fitteds. I don't wanna hurt the way they look. Wouldn't bleach do that? Suggestions?  

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Re: Bleach ?

  • I think the bleach to water ratio is so small that it really doesn't hurt the colors.  I've put bleach (1/4 cup) in a few times with everything and all has come out perfectly fine.  I even threw in some of my wahm AI2's and they were fine too. 
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  • I was afraid too but I bleached for the first time last weekend and all my colors still look bright and vibrant and my stains are pretty much gone too. I think the PP is right...the water to bleach ratio is so low that it doesn't effect the colors of the diapers
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