
Poll: How many jobs have you had?

Ok, it's not a real poll but....

How many jobs have you had, what are the "stranger" jobs you've had?

I need some entertainment while I eat my penne ala vodka.



Re: Poll: How many jobs have you had?

  • 1. Movie Theater

    2. Restaurant

    3. Sport Chalet

    4. Surf Shop

    5. Restaurant

    6. Insurance Sales

  • 1. Retail in the jewelry and lingerie section. (yes they were combined in this store...weird, and I was only 15...even weirder)

    2. Phone polls--best highschool job ever..I made about $9.00/hour, which was a lot back in the early 90's.

    3. nanny for 5 boys

    4. daycare while in college

    5. elderly day care...yes a day place for people who need someone to watch their old folks while they were at work.

    6. Chuck E Cheese (one day)

    7. Beer tours for Anheuser busch  (still in college here)

    8. Lab--doing QA (first "career")

    9. current job....consultant.

  • Loading the player...
  • 3 with 2 internships - nothing exciting.

    In high school i worked for the rec center and helped coach all the sports - t-ball, volleyball, soccer.  i was also a score keeper.  it was the best job.

    in college I worked at the campus work out facility.  hot, sweaty guys working out and girl dressed to the hilt to work out - it was always interesting.

    i'm still at the same job out of college.  it's a job and i'm very thankful for it.

    Ethan {1.11.10} & Malia {12.28.06}
  • Ohh let me answer:

    13ish - Pizzaria - 3 days

    12-15 summers at an insurance office in the City filing and getting coffee in midtown, being followed back to the office by pimps who wanted a child prostitute

    15-19 Phone Operator in a limo comp - somewhere in between I worked for a departmnent store for one day.

    19 Receptionist at a travel office

    20-21 Consulting firm receptionist where I got a HUGE bump in salary to work for the CEO

    21 on, here where I am now as an "executive" assistant.

  • 1. working at Bingo (selling tips, food, etc.)

    2. McDonald's

    3. Small market

    4. Grocery Store

    5. Home Health Agency

    6. Bank & Target (I still work at both)

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  • I've had some odd ones, and some boring ones

    Through high school and college I worked at the Erie Zoo as a zoo keeper. It was the best job ever, if it paid more than $4.25/hour I'd still be there. I took care of all the animals, did shows, camel rides, etc. It was so much fun.

    After I graduated I sold cemetery plots door to door, for 100% commission.  IT SUCKED. I only stayed there 3 months until I could find something with a base salary.

    Then I sold newsletter subscriptions for an assload of money, where people could get the info from trade magazines for free. That sucked, but it was a good company. I left after 6 months b/c I moved out of town to be closer to DH (then bf.)

    Then I sold laboratory supplies and chemicals for 3 years- got laid off in 2003.

    I've been a headhunter with the same co since 2003. 

    So....... 5 jobs!  4 real jobs, but I conveniently leave the cemetery thing off my resume.


    Happy 4th birthday!
    Matthew James 1/11/07
  • 1.  Babysitter
    2.  Restaurant Hostess
    3.  Fast Food
    4.  Western Store
    5.  Answering Service
    6.  Research Farm
    7.  Doctor's Receptionist
    8.  Meter Reader
    9.  Chiropractic Assistant
    10. Substitute Teacher
  • Let's see...

    McDonald's, clerk at a convenience store, piano teacher, mystery shopper, bank teller, writer/editor (2 different jobs), public affairs specialist,(3 different jobs)  speechwriter (2 different jobs), analyst.

    So 13 jobs. 


    1. Baby sitter (Pre-HS)
    2. Daycare Teacher (HS)
    3. Day Camp Counsellor (HS)
    4. Audio/Visual technician (College)
    5. Bank Teller (College)
    6. Gardener (College)
    7. Bakery/Cafe-Cashier/Waitress/Cook (College)
    8. Reinsurance Accounting/Claims Specialist (Post-College)
    9. Website Advertising Manager (Post-College)
    10. IT Analyst/Developer (Post-College)
    Mia (6~24~06) & Jillian (6~29~09)
  • I've had a LOT of jobs. I lost count when I got to 10.

    Some of the stranger ones:

    1. I worked at an amusement park for two summers. I worked on two different roller coasters.

    2. I worked on several archaeological excavations in Greece. I have lots of stories from those that I don't have time to go into at the moment.

    3. I worked for the Sierra Club going door to door trying to get donations for awhile. Man, did I ever suck at that job. 

    Alex (11/14/06) and Nate (5/25/10)
    "Want what you have, do what you can, be who you are." - Rev. Forrest Church
  • 1) Dairy Queen

    2) "Mother's Helper" (glorified babysitter)

    3) Video store (complete with "adult" room)

    4) Pharmacy tech

    5) QI/QA in Pharmacy Administration (after grad school)

    6) QI for a hospital (currently)

    Nothing too entertaining, sorry.  Smile

  • This is going to be


    1. paper girl.

    2. Clam Shack

    3. Wal-Mart

    4. Designs, by Levi Strauss

    5. Service Merchandise

    6. A 2nd hand botique

    7. Coffee Shop

    8. Waitress at Applebee's, Greek family owned place, Italian joint, P.F. Changs, 5 start place

    9. Sheriff Sale Paralegal

    10. Litigation Paralegal

    11. Paralegal for national Retailer (current)

    random babysitting jobs, house cleaner, dog walker, Ann Taylor Loft, and I am sure there are more that I just don't remember.


    I have had a lot of jobs.

  • - babysitter

    - teller/checkout at a pharmacy

    - data entry

    - bartender, server and cocktail waitress at Russo's

    - cage dancer (I am not kidding) 

    - Nine West (yes, and with the 40% discount, my $$$ went to shoes)

    - office assistant

    - assistant editor, associate editor, managing editor 

    My babies!! Patrick Aydin, 9.24.07, and Alia Noor, 6.1.11 imageimage
  • 1. Babysitting - I did this all through high school.  Had some crazy kids I watched.

    2. Worked at a tennis center - worked with some crazy people.

    3. Worked as an assistant in a finance department for 2 summers in college - it was really good money and super easy, but I worked with these morbidly obese ladies.  It kept me on a diet.   And they'd eat at the Hometown Buffet every day.  And would ask me to join them.  I always declined and would eat my salad or sandwich, whatever I brought.  They always told me I'd waste away, lol.

    4. Worked at Ann Taylor/Ann Taylor Loft two summers in college

    5. Worked at an after school program in college for 2-3 semesters.  The kids were insane.

    6. Clerked for a judge in law school.  The best story I have from that was the divorce/custody case we had between a 16 year old and an 18 year old.  I kid you not.  They had a kid together and the 16 year old mom also had a kid at 14 with someone else.  The grandma of the child in question in the divorce case was 30.  She had had the wife/mother at 14.  The great-grandma was 44.  No lie.  She'd had the grandma of the child in question at 14.  It was disturbing.

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  • 1.  Cleaned house while in HS

    2.  Worked 2 summers at the beach, jr year and after graduation, at a resort in Myrtle Beach

    3.  Retail in a bridal shop in college

    4.  Retail in clothing store (Cato)

    5. Customer Service for newspaper

    6. My job now in staffing, been here 8 years

  • I have counted 8 in my 10 years in the workforce, counting the 2 months I temped while job hunting after 9/11 ;P

    I live in the DC area and job hopped a lot early on.  I worked on Capitol Hill when I first got here - the year after I was a White House intern for a summer (didn't count that, but people usually think that is funny and/or cool)  I then worked for a Speakers Bureau where I met and/or talked to some VERY interesting people - Powell, Carville, Stephanopolous, Terry Bradshaw, Joe Theissman, Mary Lou Retton, etc.

    I'm currently working part-time for a friend of mine (old roomie) who used to work for Mark Penn, the pollster Hillary had to fire ;P  She had the joy of working for Penn during the impeachment - she was in the office until 4 am most nights the last half of 1998 :(  After 5 years there, she'd had enough and decided to be self-employed.  She does market research, but mostly corporate clients - the political stuff is ridiculously stressful.

  • I forgot my favorite part of the divorce case - the husband supported the family by working at Steak n Shake and the wife accused him of blowing his paycheck on marijuana.

    Oh god, the whole thing was hilarious and sad all at the same time.

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  • 1.  Worked as a cashier at a sporting goods store for 2 yrs in HS

    2. Worked as a nanny all throughout college

    3. Camp counselor over the summers while in college - awesome job, easy money

    4.Taught 3rd grade in the inner city for 4 years after graduating colege

    5. Became a nanny after DD was born, did that for about 15 months

    6. SAHM

  • I've had 12 jobs.  The most entertaining might have been pumping lemonade at Hot Dog on a Stick!!  Oddly enough I got hit on a lot at that job...funny hat and all!
    Liam is 5!
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  • 1. Fast food restaurant

    2. Shoe Store

    3. Hardware Store

    4. Retail Outlet  

    Natalie 7.27.07/Lukas 5.29.09/Noah 3.4.11/Brooke 7.31.12 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • thank you happ, no one leave out the stripper jobs. I know your'e out there!
  • I have seen/heard some interesting things in my jobs.  I think the craziest was when I caught a man trying to set his house on fire when I was reading meters.
  • And now I'm a SAHM. Smile  Seriously the best job to date!
    Natalie 7.27.07/Lukas 5.29.09/Noah 3.4.11/Brooke 7.31.12 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • 1. golf caddy

    2. worked at an animal hospital as a vet assitant (actually I did this all through HS and college and even after college - at 3 different clinics) one of my most favorite jobs

    3. department store

    4. drug store

    5. pharmacy tech at a hospital

    6. telemarketing - I actually had 2 different telemarketing jobs - one I sold insurance over the phone (actually I got the people to want to buy it and then I'd pass the call to a licensed agent to make the sale).  The other was selling carpet cleaning over the phone.  It was the worst job I ever had.  I was given a page from the phone book and had to make calls.  I received more complaints about the compnay and only lasted 1 week before I was canned (happily) - I didn't make enough sales - no kidding I couldn't sell a product that had so many complaints.  It sucked. 

    7. fundraising

    8. lab technician for pharmaceutical company

    9. Regulatory for pharm company

    10.  currently QA for pharm compnay


  • hey, I wore clothes! Just not very much of them. It was at Sound Factory for like 3-4 wks between my freshman and sophomore yrs in college lol!
    My babies!! Patrick Aydin, 9.24.07, and Alia Noor, 6.1.11 imageimage
  • oh, 11. Mini Golf place.
    Mia (6~24~06) & Jillian (6~29~09)
  • Sound factory in the city? You go girl! Those dancers are hot in the clubs. Well most of them, some of them shouldn't be in day light.

  • yeah, my boyfriend at the time was a promoter for SF and Twilo. Back int he day, I was pretty hot. I say that because I didn't appreciate it. Now, I'm barley lukewarm, lol.
    My babies!! Patrick Aydin, 9.24.07, and Alia Noor, 6.1.11 imageimage
  • Twilo, OMG haven't heard that name in forever!

    I went to Limelight for my 16th Bday! lol

    You are hot girl!

  • 10 counting the one that last 3 days (it was for a plastic bottling company).  I couldn't take the friggin' dripping melting plastic or the smell.  All of my other jobs have been office.
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