May 2011 Moms

Crib mattress pads - am I neurotic??

Well I already kind of know the answer is yes, but I thought I'd check anyway...

 LO just recently started rolling onto her tummy at night and seems to want to sleep that way.  Usually she turns her head to the side, but sometimes she just buries her face right into the mattress and I get worried that the added fluffiness of the mattress pad cover will cover her nose and she won't be able to breathe.  We have a Sealy Stain Protector mattress pad cover.  I mean, it's not THAT fluffy, but I still worry!  So then I took the cover off, but when she cries before she falls asleep, her sheet gets all wet and I don't want her sleeping on a wet sheet all night (the mattress pad cover wicks the moisture away).

 Am I being neurotic?  Or is it really an issue? 

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Re: Crib mattress pads - am I neurotic??

  • NOT an issue.  If you're that worried about the mattres pad, go ahead and do away with the sheets, too!
  • Oh these May 22nd babies! (I am guessing by your ticker our daughters were born on the same day!) My little girl started doing this a week ago! She buries her face almost every night. I haven't removed the crib pads. I spoke with my pedi's head nurse and she told me that by this age, if they can roll over like that, they can turn their heads if they start needing more oxygen. She told me to remove any blankets or toys (we didn't have any) and she should be fine. 
    Lilypie First Birthday tickers
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