I've been so obsessed about if the Anna and Fiona are ID or not but, man, Anna and Lydia could be ID twins! I'm putting together a collage for my FIL, each of the girls in this onesie that used to be Lydia's, just for fun. Check out these pictures...
Here's Lydia (my DD1, now 2.5 years old):
Here's Anna:
And because I can't leave Fiona out, here's her picture too:
Re: Dude, check this out! PIP
If you're obsessed, why don't you get a genetic test?
They are SO ADORABLE, I love the outfits and the faces!!!
Ugh! DH doesn't think it's necessary, he doesn't think they are ID. I might have to just do it and not tell him...
Wow, that is crazy!
I definitely see some differences between Anna and Fiona. I think Fiona has a more "open" face and her eyes seem a little different. But that could just be face shape stuff. I really can't tell!
How to tell my boys apart
The different types of twins and triplets
Jack, Sydney and Carynne, Annaleigh, JW, Eden...forever in our hearts.
My blog * We made the national news!
Have you seen this video? It's so sweet!! Older twin girls find out if they're identical or fraternal:
Yeah, now that I see how much Anna looks like Lydia, she looks less like Fiona to me.
That is precious! I teared up!
I would say you should photoshop them all into one pic and be a trip faker (cough cough peakay
but what I was really thinking is that one of my twins looks more like my DD1 than she does her twin too, like they look more like they could be twins instead of the two that are.