Hi all -
My hubby and I have been TTC since June. Obviously nothing yet, but the last couple of days I have had some light cramping in my lower abdomen and some sharper pains in my back. My period should be starting by Sunday, so it could just be premenstral cramps, but if I am pregnant, should I be concerned with these twinges? I am 34 until January and getting nervous about being high-risk.
Also, I noticed that ovulation predictors don't work for me, and I rarely have mittleschmerz, but I do get nauseous around the same time each month. Does this happen to many people when they ovulate?
Thanks for listening...I need a friendly ear!
Re: possible pregs w/cramping and nausea
Anything is 'possible' but unless you have been charting your temps, you really can't know for sure when you have ovulated. The symptoms you mention could just as easily be signs that you are about to get your period. The rule of thumb is that if someone has enough hormone levels to get symptoms, you are far enough alone to actually take a home pregnancy test.
Hi Kristy,
Alas, I've never been pregnant, but your symptoms don't seem alarming to me. I have read, while wishfully analyzing about my own symptoms that turned out to be nothing, that plenty of women get cramping early. If your period really is due on Sunday, an HPT first thing Sunday morning will likely be accurate.
I don't get nauseous around ovulation. If you are concerned you aren't ovulating you can either use temperature charting or have your OB/Gyn test your progesterone 7 days after likely ovulation.
I hope this is your lucky month!
Sorry this was not your month. You are not high risk at 35 unless you have other health problems. I do get nauseous mid morning every cycle from ovulation until CD-1. I prefer the clear blue easy fertility monitor over OPKs. There is less guesswork for me. Good luck to you.