Cloth Diapering

Diaper Rash, Detergent, and Calmoseptine

Okay so our LO uses Rumparooz, BG, Blueberry and Happy Heineys.  His stash is mostly Rumparooz.  We have been dealing with bouts of diaper rash for the last month to month and a half.  Our son's GI dr said that it could be all his digestine problems along with the Neocate that he uses.

Either way he just yesterday said that we need to try him on Calmoseptine after looking at it.  He said it was so red we needed to try something.  We had tried so much, Desitin, Monkey Butt, Claifornia Baby and Baby Powder.  The baby powder was what did the best on him.

I am trying to figure out what the problem may be.  We were using Droops, and we just generally didn't like that it seemed to leave some sore of a musty smell no matter how much we washed them.  So we have done 2 loads wiht Rockin Green, and I can't really tell if there is a difference because LO had a rash when we started.  I figure once we clear it up we will know if it will work.

My questions are these.

Can we still use CD while using the Calmoseptine?

If so, what kind of liners should we use?

Because he poops and pees so much no matter how quick we change him he spends some time in the diaper?  Is there a liner we could place inside to help this problem out?

Is there something we could do at every diaper change to maybe prevent this? (like a certain cream, any liner we should use so the diaper doesn't come in direct contact with his skin, etc.)

Is there a detergent that is meant for babies with sensitive skin?

If I continue having problems, should we consider just giving up and going to sposies?

I just don't know what to do.  Thank you so much for any help and sorry it is so long!

**February 20th, 2010 I Married My Best Friend and June 5th, 2011 My Soulmate Was Born** image Lilypie First Birthday tickers imageimageimage

Re: Diaper Rash, Detergent, and Calmoseptine

  • I'm sorry you're still having issues :-(  I don't have a lot of advice/answers for most of your questions but for liners, I'd just get some cheap fleece from a local fabric store and cut it to fit your diapers. I'd guess the cream isn't CD-safe and would use the liners while using it or just switch to sposies for a while 'til the rash improves. Good luck!


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  • imagelynn97:

    I'm sorry you're still having issues :-(  I don't have a lot of advice/answers for most of your questions but for liners, I'd just get some cheap fleece from a local fabric store and cut it to fit your diapers. I'd guess the cream isn't CD-safe and would use the liners while using it or just switch to sposies for a while 'til the rash improves. Good luck!


    That's what I was thinking, I thought that I may need to just switch to sposies.  Considering I tried disposable liners in 3 of my diapers with desitin and learned the hard way that it goes through those.  I have some flannel liners but I suppose I wanted them for more absorbancy but maybe could use those.  I don't knwo.  I just wish this would go away I love my stash and don't want to feel like we need to give up! :(

    **February 20th, 2010 I Married My Best Friend and June 5th, 2011 My Soulmate Was Born** image Lilypie First Birthday tickers imageimageimage
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  • my LO has very sensitive skin and is always getting rashes in CD's and disposables. I finally figured out that I need to protect and prevent all the time. I use CJs BUTTer every single diaper change. if I miss one it could mean a rash coming! also I have him sit in the tub every single night. If we miss one night, he winds up red! sometimes I put him in the regular tub with me and aveeno oatmeal bath. destin makes packs of oatmeal bath for baby tubs but I figure I could benefit at the same time! the oatmeal really helps! also I change as quickly as I can. I think dropps and rockin green were also contributing to rashes. I now use ecosprout or crunchy clean with pretty good results! sometimes he still gets a little red but I think that is when I was less diapers than usual with the same amount of detergent. I was overusing detergent. so I learned to use minimal detergent and add extra rinses! this really really helps! good luck!
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Not too much help either but just wanted to agree with the fleece liner situation. Sorry he is so red! Hope it gets better. And I would do sposies to help get it clear as well!
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  • We dealt with a recurrent rash as well, so I'll offer the following:

    * Calmoseptine is NOT safe for cloth diapers. It's salmon pink and very thick. It does not wipe off easily.  It is amazing stuff, and it has always cleared up our daughter's rash very quickly.  When she gets a bad rash, we use disposable inserts or disposables all together, until the rash is entirely gone. We us Flips with the disposable flip liners, when not going with straight disposable.

    * Nighttime seemed to be our worst enemy when it came to recurrent rash (length of time in the diaper). At one point, we considered switching to a disposable for night time only (with calmoseptine), but then we discovered the wonders of wool. Wool allows baby's skin to breathe, instead of it being inside of a PUL cover, pocket, AI2. I would highly recommend looking into wool or fleece for your nighttime diaper. This should help.

    *Like other posters have suggested, you'll find a routine that works for your baby. We use Magic Stick with every diaper change, and if baby's bum is still staying red, I'll switch to a bamboo/hemp insert out of concern that she's having contact irritation from the some other diapers (again, we use a lot of flips).

    *As far as detergent is concerned, your laundering habits may or may not be impacting the rash situation. There are many many posts on this subject that you can peruse. When rash kept happening with us, we did a total strip with RLR and washed with rockin' green. I now rinse 3-4 times with each washing (fearing build-up) and we use baking soda in the hot rinse (w/ detergent) and vinegar in the cold rinse (one of the 3-4 after detergent cycle) at every washing.  We now use Nellie's All Natural detergent and I'm very happy with it.

    *Giving up:  I've been there, believe me. It's okay to take a step back from cloth and regroup.  Get the rash to clear up and start with a healthy bum. In the meantime, strip and rinse rinse rinse. In the end, if you decide the rashes are far to recurrent, then do what's best for your child.

    Best of luck to you.

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