A few weeks I decided since I wasn't ready to go back to work but wanted a little extra money I would advertise to do some before and after care for school-age children. I found what I thought was the perfect situation. 2 boys and it was only 3 days after school. It still gave us our mornings free and 2 days all day.
We met, and the kids all got along and the boys are great. We agreed on a fee and I thought everything was all set. The first week was an extra day and day before school because their mom was training for work. We discussed payment before the week started.
Their dad came to pick them up the last day I watched them that week and didn't pay me. I sent the mom an e-mail the next day explaining that perhaps we weren't on the same page and I was expecting payment on the last day I watch them each week. I didn't want to let it go because I was afraid it would give the message that it was okay to pay whenever. She wrote me right back and said that was fine and then paid me the following week. Last week their dad brought me a check when he picked them.
So come today, and their dad picked them up and said their mom hadn't mentioned anything about a check and they would catch up with me to get it to me.
I'm really annoyed. While it's not like I need the money, I'm also providing a service and expect to be paid. I spoke with my mom about and she seems to think that I'm overreacting and I should just relax and they will pay me when they get to it. But I kind of feel they are taking advantage of me. If they don't have the money, I would totally understand if they explained that to me but just blowing it off really bothers me.
What do you think? Do I let it go and wait? Say something? Sorry this got so long. I need some advice.
Re: babysittng payment WWYD?
do you have paypal? does she? perhaps you can send her an invoice every friday...or monday- whatever works- so she can easily pay online while at work or something- and have all the info for records?
I am HORRIBLE about remembering when i need to pay with a check for something - but paypal i find super easy... might just be an issue like that.
That's what I'm wondering...I would defenitaly mention something and like a few posters mentionned Paypal would be a good idea of making sure you get your payment...from what I see it doesn't seem like they won't pay at ALL, but perhaps not on a timely manner (which would bother me).
I was in the opposite position, My DCP was very lax and I didn't want things to ever be wierd. I'd pick up DD on the last day of the week and tell DCP I'd pay her after I went to ATM (she liked cash).
I would write up a invoice with the days she watched my DD including drop off/pick up times and the total hours, I'd total up the hours and times it by the rate then give it to her the next time I saw her dropping off DD. (Or I'd run it over b/c she was across the street). This worked well b/c the hours varied each week.
I suggest on the last day of the week handing them a "bill" to be paid when they drop off the kids on the first day of the next week. For example, if they get picked up on a Friday, hand them a bill detailing your days/hours for the week then ask that they pay you in full when they drop off the boys the following Monday.
I think prompt payment is important, but it seems like they don't talk/plan well so this routine may work well.
It really depends.
If you need that money on the friday, make sure you get your point across.
My husband is very forgetful, and with our day care if he picks my daughter up on the last day, our daycare provider knows that I will pay her right away monday morning.
If you don't trust you will get paid right way, then that is when you should definitely step in and make sure they know the schedule you would like to get paid on.
Good luck!