I think I am having gall bladder colic and am going to the doctor today. ?There is a strong family history (mom, grandmom, great aunt) who had to have their gall bladders removed due to stones. ?I am thinking that may be the recommendation and I do hope it's soon because I am in quite a bit of discomfort. ?Have you had it done? ?How was the recovery?
?Also, do you anything about recs for how soon after laporscopic surgery you can get pregnant? ?We were set up with a clinic to do an IUI in November (we've been waiting for this IUI for a LONG time) and now I fear we're going to have to cancel ?I am so bummed...
Re: Anyone had their gall bladder removed?
I had the Laporscopic 10 weeks PP from DD and was told I could get PG at 4 weeks after surgery if I could or wanted too....(I have an IF issue)
About two days after the surgery I was able to care for DD by myself...it was a very easy recovery.
My recovery was really easy. I was sore for about 2 days. By day 3, I was able to take care of 5 month old dd. Lifting was a bit uncomfortable, but only the first couple of days.
DD was really young, so I didn't really pay attention to what they said about getting pregnant...we were just getting used to having one baby!
Good luck! You will feel SO much better!