I'm sure this has been asked a million times but, when does it get easier? My boys are almost 5 weeks old and I'm barely keeping my head above water. It seems they never sleep at the same time, especially at night. The sleep deprivation is killing us! So, give me something to look forward to! When did it get easier for you?
DS 12/05
DD 6/07
DD 3/09
DS 9/11
DS 9/11
Re: When does it get easier?
They will start sleeping better. You will settle into a routine. And, I'm pretty sure your body figures out how to function on less sleep.
Hang in there! I promise you will sleep someday.
This!!! It's so tough at the beginning ((hugs)) It gets better and more fun too.
Every day gets a little better. They just have to settle into a routine. For us, things started looking better right around 8 weeks. By 12 weeks they were sleeping through the night. It will get easier and soon. I promise.
The first 2 months were HARDER then sh*t. Right at 5 weeks my girls started sleeping 2-3 hours at a time, by 8 weeks they were sleeping 4-6 hrs at a time, and STTN at 12 weeks. It WILL get easier
Now having said that..im wondering the same thing again because this 6 mo growth spurt/milestone/teething thing is killing me! Screwing with their sleep and mine. Definately a challenge.
It was just a few short weeks ago that I felt the same exact way as you, and I can tell you it does get better!! My girls are 14 weeks today and I saw HUGE improvement around 11 weeks when they started sleeping between 8-12 hours at night depending on the day and we started to be able to have somewhat of a schedule during the day. Everyday seems better and better and they are smiling and interacting with us and that makes things just so wonderful!!
Hang in there!! You can do this! ; )
Our solution was to hire a postpartum doula twice a week, then once a week for about a month. She watched the twins overnight for 8 hours while DH and I got 7-8 hours of uninterrupted sleep. It was pricey, but it was very necessary. You can also try trading shifts with your DH, so someone watches them from 7 to midnight and the other from midnight to 5, etc. Or ask a good friend or family member to come help you all night while your DH sleeps, and then have another volunteer with DH the next night while you sleep.
You may be close to improvement already, but since you can't know whether your kids will STTN at 9 weeks or 9 months, figure out a way to take care of yourselves in the meantime! And good luck!