
Cam has pneumonia!

And I HATE that I can't be the one that brings her to the doctor.

Joe brought her.  He texted and told me that's what she has.  In between asking what I wanted for dinner?  I was like "Wait, what?  She has pneumonia?!"

So we are supposed to go to a confirmation tomorrow night (a friend's son) and then a wedding on Saturday (and the kids are going to my SIL's).  So I said "I'm cancelling all plans this weekend!"  He said, "She's fine. She can even go to school tomorrow!"


But I will say, other than coughing all night, every night for the last week, she does seem fine. But PNEUMONIA!?!?  That's NOT fine!  So I called him and he said the doc didn't make it seem like any big deal.  Gave him a script for an antibiotic and sent them on their way.

Really?  Am I overreacting here?  I have had it before.  Plenty of times.  And I know how I feel when I have it.  And it's NOT pretty!

Re: Cam has pneumonia!

  • The same thing happen to us this week. I took DD to the DR Tuesday because she had this cough and was complaining of headaches. pneumonia. I was shocked. She is acting fine really. Hasn't even had a fever. We did cancel our travel plans this weekend though.
    Abigail Marie 6/30/06 Benjamin Charles 5/30/09 image
  • Poor Cam!  Hope she feels better soon.

    Keira had pneumonia a couple of months ago and she was SICK.  No appetite, lethargic, fever, etc.  After 24 hours on antibiotics you would never know she was sick.  I would probably limit the activities over the weekend for her but she should be ok at your SIL's as long as she doesn't over do it.  Kids bounce back pretty quick.  Totally up to what you are comfortable with.

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  • Dr last year said Makenna had it too.  She acted totally fine except she coughed forever.  He gave her antibiotic & breathing treatments.  I questioned it at the time but can they tell if you have pneumonia without a chest x-ray?
  • Dd has had pneumonia twice. Both times really weren't as big of a deal as one would imagine (and the first time she was only 3 weeks old!) Each time she started antibiotics and was absolutely fine within 24 hours.

    I know it's hard to imagine, but kids' bodies are just totally different than ours when it comes to how they handle certain things. For instance, a kid can have a fever of 101 and still act just fine, it doesn't bother them at all. But, if you or I had a fever of 101, you bet your a$$ we'd be on the couch suffering! 

  • Oh NO!!! :(  Sophia had it last winter.  it wasn't pretty! :(

    hope she's 100% soon!  

    Sisterly love--Sophia (1/14/07) and Baby Margaux (7/13/10) image Doctor in training! :)image
  • She probably has "walking pneumonia."  DD had it last year.  It was no big deal and she really did not feel that sick.  Certainly not like I felt when I had pneumonia a couple of years ago.  She felt fine, went to school after the antibiotics kicked in, etc.  

    If she has been acting fine, then I kind of agree with the doc and Joe.  They can walk around for weeks with walking pneumonia.  I do think if CAM isn't saying she feels like it's a huge deal/she's super sick, then yes, you're overreacting :)

  • Ok, I'm overreacting!  LOL

    I just know how *I* feel when I have pneumonia and it's hell.  But I guess the fact that she (other than the cough) feels fine (and is totally acting fine), I'll just go with that.  I just hate that the three times we have sent her to my SIL's overnight, she has had a cough!  Crappy mom guilt!  :(

    So I guess I'll play it by ear for the plans this weekend but with the idea that we WILL go. 

    Thanks for reeling me in guys!  :)

  • A friends DD had it and had a very high very and was not eating late last week - their doc sent them to the hospital for fluids and an IV, they spent Sat night in the hospital and she was back at school on Monday.  Once the meds really had a chance to kick in, she got better really fast.  She has still been getting tired more easily this week but she was doing really well.    I would call the peds office and ask for more details on what she can and can't do and I am assuming she is on meds, so how long once she starts the meds can she do different things.
    Jenni Mom to DD#1 - 6-16-06 DD#2 - 3-13-08 
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