D.C. Area Babies

When did LO STTN/when did you stop dream feeding?

Last night I nursed DS and put him to bed around 7.  I didn't dream feed around 10:30 like normal because I was tired and thought I'd just wake up when he did in the middle of the night, but he didn't wake up! I did hear him toss and turn around 11 and 3 but he never made noise or cried.

I'm thinking if he doesn't need that dream feed I can pump before bed and get a couple of ounces for my (almost nonexistent) freezer stash. I don't want to pump if he's going to wake up an hour or so later hungry though....any thoughts?

If it matters, DS weighs about 19.5 lbs and was in the 60th percentile for weight. 

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Re: When did LO STTN/when did you stop dream feeding?

  • We stopped the dream feed for DS after his 9 mo. appt. 

    We had Ferbered after the 6 mo. appt, so we got him STTN at that point, but between 6 and 9 months we kept doing the dream feed. 

    At the 9 mo. appt. the pedi said no need for that extra "meal" during the dream feed.  It took him a few night to adjust, but it all worked out.

    Wife, Musician, Fed, WW-er, and Mom of three little kids - not necessarily in that order.
  • imageumdbride:

     I don't want to pump if he's going to wake up an hour or so later hungry though....any thoughts?

    If you want to build up your stash, I'd still pump.  Worst case scenario, once or twice he does wake up hungry, and if you're truly empty (for me, I'll think I'm empty from the pump, but Gwen can always get more!), then you can just give him the expressed milk in a bottle. 

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  • I never did a dream feed with M, but I stopped feeding him at night around 6 months when he more-or-less started STTN. I think your LO will be fine without it.
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  • Dream feeds never worked for LO. But I only feed him if he wakes up (and stays awake) and if he acts hungry. He's 9 months and is on the low end of the growth chart for weight, and our pedi seems to think sleep is more important. That said, when he's sick or teething, he'll nurse every time he wakes up for comfort. I've never worried about pumping and then not having enough for baby--they are so much more efficient than the pump that they should be able to get something.
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  • Thanks everyone! 
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  • Like some others, I never did a dream feed.  I was always worried to wake a sleeping baby.  I pumped before bed for months and found it helpful to keep my supply for daycare.  If DD#2 woke up, it was usually at least a few hours after I pumped, so I would have something for her.  I think the general rule of thumb says they can go 9 hours without eating at night by 9 months, so your LO shouldn't need to eat at a dream feed early in the nighttime sleep cycle.  Good luck.  I hope it is an easy transition, like last night. 

  • We didn't dream feed, but C woke up to eat at around 2 am until 9 months and the he started STTN on his own. If you're worried about supply, definitely pump before bed. It was a hassle, but that was the main source of my stash.
  • We never dream fed b/c DD just wouldn't drink if she was asleep.  Heck, half of the time she wouldn't drink when awake either though.  :-)  She hated bottles.

    She started STTN sometime right after 6 months old.  She was 14 lbs at that age. 

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