DH likes the name, but only if pronouced on-ick-uh.. not ann-ic-uh.
how would you spell it to get desired pronunciation?
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Re: Onicca/Annika/Onikka-- clicky
Annika, and then correct people who pronounce it wrong.
The other two spellings look completely made up.
I'd find a new name. I think Annika is a nice name, but she is going to be correcting people for the rest of her life because that spelling is definitely not pronounced the way your husband wants it to be.
(And frankly I think his pronunciation is a little ridiculous.)
ETA: If the "ON" was supposed to be like "AHN" then I think that's fine and Annika would work.
This. I've never heard of Annika pronounced as Ann-ick-a. I would just correct the ones who try to say it that way.
Also, I think the pronunciation seems more similar to the Spanish Ana, so that's another reason why I think the Annika spelling works. Onikka looks made up and who knows, people might think something more like "One-ika."
After 31 cycles, baby boy K (IUI) born 11/03/11
BFP (Femara) - 08/09/13 m/c around 6 weeks. xoxox Baby April
Rainbow baby girl E (Femara) born 11/16/16
Seriously? I've only ever heard it pronounced that way. Maybe it's regional.
My daughter is Annika, pronounced Ah-nih-kah. It gets pronounced "Ann-i-ka" all the time. Both ways are correct pronunciations--Like Annika Sorenstam the golfer (Ah-nih-kah) and Pippi Longstocking's friend Annika (Ann-i-ka).
For the record, I also get Annikin and Ah-nee-ka. I grew up in MN where Annika is a common name, and when I visit there, it never gets messed up. However, in DC, where I live, most people have never heard of it.
I still wouldn't change it for the world. Her name rocks
? Her H's pronunciation is the way Anika is pronounced in German and Czech. I would venture to guess that it's pronounced that way in other languages too, but I don't speak them so I can't say for certain.
Frankly, I find the ANN ick a pronunciation a bit ridiculous.
OP-If you want it pronounced that way, spell it with one n.
But around here I've only heard it as ANN and I'm just so sorry you find that offensive.
We are German, and that's why we want the Ahn-nikka pronunciation. Our families would get it no problem.
With dd being Adelia - Uh-Dee-Leah - I have to correct people constantly. Another very German name. So correcting people isn't totally out of the question for us. I'd just like a FEW more people to get it right this time around.
PP- You really think Anika vs Annika would make a big difference?
Maybe this is already part of MJ's baby name tips, but if it's not, it should be- please don't "dumb down" the spelling of a name to make it easier to pronounce. It just looks silly. Spell it the proper way and gently correct people if they get it wrong. If you don't think you're up for this, find a new name. Spelling it phonetically is not going to guarantee people pronounce it correctly anyway. (And the O-spelling doesn't seem very phonetic, anyway.)
My name is Anna and people ask me all the time how I prefer to pronounce it. It's really not a big deal and I actually answer to both the "Ana" and "Anna" pronunciations because of the people in my life who speak different languages/are from different regions/etc.
I've always loved this name but am used to seeing it spelled Annike (and pronounced Onnikuh). I'm guessing this spelling is Dutch, well Dutch-Canadian anyways. = ). good luck deciding.
Aha! That's where else I've heard it. I like Anika (with just the one "n"), and it appears that that is an accepted traditional spelling, in addition to Annika.
Very pretty name, I think.
♥ Married since June 2009 ♥
TW: Living children & Losses:
Pregnant after 4 losses via IVF/FET with daughter "Gamma" (EDD Oct 2, 2019)
I see these two as being pronounced identically
Maybe it is a regional thing.