
Peanut Butter?

When did you introduce it to your multiples?
Our pediatrician says at 2, but I have seen soo many women on the Toddlers board talk about the Lo's having it way before then. I am a nervous wreck to try it and have I even read some women park in hospital parking lots when they initally try it.

Opinions, TIA!

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Re: Peanut Butter?

  • My DS will be getting it for the first time next week at the allergy Dr's office. We were told to wait to 3 cause BIL is allergic to nuts so we have close family history so they told us to wait longer.
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  • Neither side has peanut allergies, so I didn't want to wait.  My pedi's office says 3.  I didn't want to wait that long.  My friends kids are always eating peanut butter, so I wanted to get it over with.  Every doctor gives you a different answer, and from what I've read, there is not clear evidence showing any benefit of waiting beyond a year old.

    We introduced it 2 months ago at 15 months.  I waited for a weekend where DH was around.  I wanted to do it a few times - so I did it at dinner time on a Friday, breakfast and lunch on Saturday and on Sunday. 

    They've had it multiple times since and been fine.

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  • Our pedi wanted us to wait till 2-3 because Will had a ton of food allergies and both boys had eczema (which indicates higher risk of food allergies). Then when they both had allergy testing done at 15m, Will tested positive for a peanut allergy on both the skin and blood test so we didn't do it for either of them.

    Amazingly, a year later, he tested negative and passed the peanut challenge at the allergist's so we then did a mini peanut challenge at home with Alex (conveniently had an Epipen and Benadryl on hand thanks to Will's diagnosis) and ever since they've eaten it frequently. :)

    fraternal twin boys born january 2009
  • I think it was recomended at 2 years old, but they had it before perhaps around 16 or 17 months...neither of us have peanut allergies on either side.

    The boys really LOVE it! :)

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  • Is it different with multiples? Most research shows that delaying doesn't do much of anything. We have DS PB at 9 months though I think our pedi at the time said 1.
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  • imagenaflmj:
    Is it different with multiples? Most research shows that delaying doesn't do much of anything. We have DS PB at 9 months though I think our pedi at the time said 1.

    Nope, not different with multiples!  We gave Harry PB at 1 and he eats PB&J for lunch all the time.  Alex, because of his egg allergy, we are holding off on nuts and shellfish.

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  • DD1 got it sometime after 1 and DD2 was slightly younger than 1 as she got a hold of DD1's PB sandwich.  We don't have any food allergies on either side.  
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  • imageOrangeSmoke:

    Is it different with multiples? Most research shows that delaying doesn't do much of anything. We have DS PB at 9 months though I think our pedi at the time said 1.

    Nope, not different with multiples!  We gave Harry PB at 1 and he eats PB&J for lunch all the time.  Alex, because of his egg allergy, we are holding off on nuts and shellfish.

    Oh no I didn't think it was any different- I just love the MoM opinion on just about everything and wanted theirs! Love this board!
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  • Our pedi said that they could have it now...from what I have read giving pb early will not give your kids a peanut allergy...they will have the allergy no matter the age you introduce it. Personally, I am seems more like a choking hazard to me (just the consistency is so thick). 

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