Cloth Diapering

Any tubies out there? nighttime help needed

Ds is fed 40oz's through his gtube at night and we are struggling with him waking up soaked. I change him once in the night but I just can't seem to find something that works.  Any suggestions?  We use mostly BG 4.0's.

Re: Any tubies out there? nighttime help needed

  • Is he a back sleeper, or a belly sleeper?  We have found that fitteds are the only thing that work for us at night (not tube fed).  By the time that we stuff a BG enough to be absorbent enough to last all night, there are gaps in the legs and the pee runs out.  I'd try a fitted.  Bububebe are awesome, and pretty easy to find.
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  • BGs are great, in general, but you'll be hard pressed to find anything that can handle that type of volume. Perhaps a very absorbent overnight fitted with a wool cover?
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  • 40oz overnight is a ton. You may just need to change him twice. We've found bububebe to be pretty absorbant if he doesn't have a sensitivity to being wet. Maybe one of those with a hemp insert (or 2) sandwiched inbetween the regular inserts), under wool would work though for a once a night changing.
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