Special Needs

*~* Auntie*~*

Just wondering if you have heard of someone being diagnosed with ADHD when there was another underlying diagnosis, like possibly autism/aspergers? I'm concerned about my nephew who is 14. He was diagnosed with ADHD as a child and he continues to stuggle. I have been wondering if he might be on spectrum. I have brought it up to my sister and I think she is starting to wonder about this as well. What steps should she take to pursue an evaluation, since he is older now?

He is constantly having trouble in school. He gets bullied, which started in 4th grade. He seems socially immature for his age group. He can't relate to peoples emotions or feelings, which seems like a big red flag to me. He has various mannerisms that were just blown off all of this time as being related to ADHD like tapping, whistling and he never notices that he's doing these things. He seems very withdrawn/flat facial expressions. He has poor personal hygiene and he seems to have issues with understanding different expressions and sarcasm.

If we found out that he was on spectrum, I'm not really sure if anything could be done at this age. He's a freshman in high school.


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