Anyone been to the Zoo for their Halloween activities? Thinking of taking the boys this weekend, but not sure if it will be crazy busy. Since their birthday is Friday, I wanted to have a fun weekend for them, not that they know, but for self gratification I suppose.
Also, I prob wouldn't take them in costume bc I'd be afraid they would be mistaken by a real animal! One will be a monkey, the other a lion.
Re: Zoo Boo (Metro Boo)
BFP #3: 01/28/12, EDD: 09/23/12, MMC (BO), D&C 2/16/12 at 6.5 wks
BFP #4: 05/23/12, EDD: 01/31/12, Early MC at 5 wks
RPL Workup: + LPD (7DPO Prog = 7.8, Endometrial Bx = out of phase)
Elevated Alpha 2-glycoprotein IgA and antiphosphatidylserine IgM -->
Hematologist said not to worry and no need for treatment!
Cycle #1(08/2012): Clomid 50 mg CD3-7, Ovidrel CD13 + Progesterone = It worked!
BFP #5 on 09/10/12 (11 DPO). HCG #1 @ 14DPO = 131.6 HCG #2 @ 16DPO = 509
EDD: 05/23/2013
Are you thinking of going to the one during the day? Or the one at night?
We're thinking of taking J to the one at night on Saturday We went to the one they did for Christmas and it was cute we had a nice time.
CP 7.19.08
Dx with PCOS 3.27.09
HSG 7.15.09 = All clear
8.09 & 9.09(re-try) IUI #1/2 - Clomid 100mg Follistim 150iu Ovidrel=cancelled due to cysts
10.09 IUI #1/2 - Clomid 100mg Follistim 150iu Ovidrel Crinone 8%=BFP!
22mm Follie / 60mil & 48mil post wash counts Beta #1 (14dpiui)= 102 Beta #2 (18dpiui)= 714 12.3.09 HB 135bpm
Our baby boy was born on 7.8.10 @ 38 weeks 2 days! 2:17pm 6lbs 8oz 20" long
HSG 2.2013 - IUI 1/2, 3/4 = BFN - Took 4 month forced break
Day event.
"If we couldn't laugh we would all go insane" -- Jimmy Buffett