I need some tips on how to cool down/keep my sanity. I've posted before about how much DH travels... same old story of me & 2.5 y.o. spending ALL of our days together while DS1 is in school. He is a typical 2.5 y.o. testing boundaries right now, and by the end of the day, I lose my temper with him faster than I should. I need to catch myself in that 5-second window where he's pushed my buttons and all I want to do is yell. Any suggestions? I feel like, for my part of it, I need to get away from him. Which I can do... but what do I do for him, to convey his behavior is not acceptable? Time out? Any suggestions on WHERE to put a 2 y.o. for an effective time out?
Re: I am losing my temper too often with my 2.5 y.o.
This book was a lifesaver for me:
make sure you are getting enough sleep! at least 8 hours gives me the patience of a saint.
eta: obviously I do not get that every day. I badly need it toinght though. I can tell I'm on edge