
HELLP Syndrome

I was just curious how many of you experienced the HELLP syndrome? Was your LO delivered by emergency c-section? My DH & I would like to have another LO; however, we are concerned about my increase risk of having HELLP syndrome again. Any feedback is appreciated!!
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Re: HELLP Syndrome

  • I had it and ended up with an unplanned c/s at exactly 38 weeks and I am currently ttc #2. My doctor wasn't concerned about me developing it again. Have you spoken to your ob/gyn about your concerns?
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  • I didn't have HELLP syndrome, but 2 of my friends had it with their first pregnancies.  1 was an emergency c-section at 32 weeks (or so) and the other made it to 38 weeks, but I'm not sure if she had a c-section.  Both recently gave birth to their second and neither of them had HELLP syndrome the second time around.
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  • You need to talk to your OB. It's actually really uncommon to have it twice. It's more of a first time condition. Granted, it does happen, so that's something that your OB will monitor in your next pregnancies. I had HELLP and sever pre-e. My chances are much higher for complications next time, since my body nearly shut down completely the first time. I have kidney problems and blood pressure problems still, and that may never go away now.

    With all of that, my OB and renal specialists have assured me that future kids are not out of the question. I'll just be high risk and need to listen to my body that much more. 

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  • I had severe pre-e and HELLP and delivered at 26 weeks the first time.
    They ballparked my odds at 12-25% chance of recurrence. (It goes up if you developed before 28 weeks the first time).
    We saw a MFM before we started TTC again and she did a complete health workup to see if I had any undiagnosed conditions that contributed (clotting disordered, diabetes, etc) or any permanent damage from the previous occurence. I passed all with flying colors and got the okay to try again.
    I'm currently 33 weeks pregnant with #2.

    I have had some complications. My protein was over 200 at 12 weeks already, I broke 300 at 25 weeks, my liver enzymes have been slightly elevated since 25 as well. I got my steroid shots at 26 weeks exactly (THAT was a stressful day) with the expectation that it was all going to hell again. But here I am almost 8 weeks later and still kicking. My protein has been hanging out between 3 & 400, liver enzymes elevated but stable, but my BP has been very cooperative. I've been on home bedrest since 27 weeks.

    My advice is to talk to your OB and an MFM. Plan for the worst, but hope for the best. There is definitely hope.


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