The last couple weeks Andrew's behavior has been pretty darn awful, but he and I have been fighting bronchitis for 3 weeks so I thought he felt crappy. Well the last week or so he's been chewing on his fingers like crazy, has started to bite a couple times , behavior that we haven't seen in a couple years now.
After asking him a couple times if his teeth hurt ( I was worried about his filings) he finally tells me they are. So he lets me check inside his mouth and I was floored to find at least one molar just about to break through, plus I'm pretty sure the other bottom one is halfway there and the tops are just getting started.
These are his first permanent teeth! "They" say they come in around 6-7 so I figured we had ages before worrying about teeth again ::sigh::: Just thought I'd warn anyone else who might see teething signs and dismiss them like I did, ya know since our kids have all their teeth for now.
Re: If your kid was an early teether - Who knew?
The Blog | BirthbyKellyM
Crap, J, really? C got his first teeth in pairs starting at 7 months and had 8 on his first birthday, and has had all 20 for well over a year. He's been chewing his hands lately too! I've been chalking it up to his strong need for oral input -- he finally gave up most nursing and took up putting his hands in his mouth. But I'll check inside his mouth when I brush is teeth tonight.
BTW, I saw your last response to Aimee's post and totally agree. I wouldn't wish my difficult kid on anyone else but I'm glad to know you are out there somewhere with one just like him.
The Blog | BirthbyKellyM
the secret blog
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Nope, after their 2 year molars the next thing is the first set of permanent molars, supposedly around 6-7.
I realized this part might be important.....
-Got his first teeth at 6 months
-Had all 20 by 15 months (and immediately started to STTN for the first time ever, those teeth did a number on him )
ETA: He has not lost any teeth nor does he appear to be close Guess we'll see what the Dentist says at his next cleaning, if it will be too many teeth So far his teeth are stick straight and I'm praying they stay that way.
I've heard of the "5-year molars" but maybe they're the same thing? That's what I think J is getting, anyway, b/c he has also had intermittent terribly cranky days and complained about his teeth hurting. I ended up putting my finger in his mouth and, sure enough, his gums in back felt a little swollen and that's where he said they hurt. Poor guys! That whole teething thing is a real (and seemingly non-stop) b!tch, isn't it?
Exactly what I was thinking with Andrew too, we also have seen an overall increase in sensory seeking crap, high strung, wound up behavior. It's been driving me crazy and I really thought it was rooted in he and I being so sick for so long. Of course he doesn't slow down for one second meanwhile I'm barely able to keep my eyes open all day so I figure he's going crazy because his body doesn't know how to relax plus I'm not getting him out as much.
So I make a big commitment to take him out for a tractor ride as soon as he gets home for pre-school, make sure he gets at least a hard hour late afternoon and basically kill myself trying to make sure he's occupied. Worked for like two days, had awesome early bedtimes, 12 hours of sleep and then bam back to horrible bedtimes, 10 hours of sleep and so cranky all day long that I'm ready to give him away. I'm glad to know it's the teeth because it's been so bad I've been wondering if we needed to get an OT in.