This will be my first chance to not be constantly monitored and to have the freedom to do whatever I want. The main reason I picked Shady Grove is because it offers tubs that you can labor (but not deliver) in - besides the fact that it's covered by my insurance unlike some birthing centers. The woman who gave the hospital tour said the tubs are in the older suites because they thought women would use them all the time - but people hardly ever do. They prefer the newer suites with the spacious showers.
Based on my two previous experiences, I don't know if the buoyancy of the water or the pressure of a shower would be better. I have "back labor" (I think) and benefit from any counter-pressure. A constant warmth from the shower might do the trick and would give DH a break. However, as I approach the transition stage, all I've previously wanted to do is lie on my left side on the maybe lounging in a tub would be better? There is a shower aspect to the tub, but the tour guide says it's kind of awkward and not easily adjustable, so you shouldn't plan on using it for much.
Once I pick a suite, I'm stuck there (I assume), so I'm concerned I'm going to make the wrong decision and I'm not going to finally get the birth experience I'm looking for. Any sharing of experiences would be appreciated.
Re: Anyone use a tub/shower/water while in labor (or deliver at SG)?
Hands down go for the tub. I delivered DS at SG with Midwifery Care Associates, and I took 3 showers at home, and in the hospital labored in the tub. The feeling of being able to float in the water took so much pressure off and was the best part of my labor. I definitely want the tub again if that's an option for me!
Some food for thought is I thought SG only had 2 L&D suites still equipped with tubs. Talk to your provider, because when you go into labor they can call ahead. They try to keep the tubs available for clients who want to go med-free. Also, SG won't let you labor in the tub once your water breaks, but I think from your response you already knew that.
GL and I hope this birth experience is great!
Thanks for the insight and reminders. Both times my water has been broken for me, so I'm assuming I'll follow a similar pattern this time - but I'd forgotten about that part. I'm using MCA, too, and I also forgot about requesting a tub ahead of time. Pregnancy brain is taking over...
I'd gone through most of this pregnancy thinking I'd use the tub, but the tour and having the birth quickly approaching is making me second-guess stuff now that I'm actually writing out a birth plan.
unless you have a special circumstance, it's not a given that you will have back labor again. that's very common in posterior presentation...were your first two babies posterior (sunny side up)?
i've actually read that tub labor can be really helpful for mamas with back labor with the combination of warmth and release of pressure from weight!
i labored in the shower for some of my first labor (posterior, no back labor though) and the tub for half of my second (anterior) - about 3 hours both times.
by far, i prefer the tub and will never have another baby outside of it (if i can help it!). the tub i had was temperature controlled (not sure if that is an option at SG?) and the water felt smooth and soft on my skin. it felt like being suspended in a warm cloud. just absolutely fabulous.
i also birthed in the tub, which i understand you can't do at SG, but i highly recommend! just a really amazing and comfortable way to birth.
I HIGHLY recommend the tub for labor (FWIW I hate tubs/baths/jacuzzis/hot tubs normally and never would have dreamed it would help with labor). I delivered with midwives at SG as well and got in the tub at 4cm while I was really, really wanting an epidural (despite my earlier wishes to go natural). I stayed in the tub for an hour and it was heaven - contractions didn't feel anything like they did prior to getting into the tub. By the time I got out I was 9cm. IMO, the tub at SG is magical.
My water broke at home at 5am and I was at the hospital by 9am with contractions 2 mins apart. My midwife suggested the tub and said it wasn't an issue that my water had broken. I'm not sure if they can regulate the water temp, but it never seemed to lose its warmth - in fact, I had to get out because my body temp was getting too high. The tub also has a shower head so I'd ask for a tub room and then you can make up your mind as you go.
For my next baby, I plan to go to the hospital as soon as they'll let me and get in the tub ASAP. Good luck!
DS was OP (face down) and then OT (to the side), which leads to back labor and very long labor. I spent much of the first day of my labor in the tub and it was amazing. The second day, the dr didn't want me submerged, so I sat on a balance ball in the shower with hot water aimed at my back for hours and hours. I credit the water in those forms with me getting through 55 hours of labor med-free before some extenuating circumstances made intervention medically advisable. I would go with the tub room and ask a staff member to help you reconfigure the shower head if needed.
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