I posted yesterday about DD's diapers smelling straight out of the washing machine. Someone mentioned it could be chemicals from being on city water. After reading that, I went and smelled the diapers and they smell exactly like a chlorinated swimming pool! I personally hate the smell though it's better than ammonia. I noticed the inserts don't smell but the only difference is that I dry the inserts in the dryer so tonight, I dried one of her dipes in the dryer and sure enough, it came out smelling clean while the rest of the dipes still smell like pool water.
Has anyone else dealt with this issue or have any ideas on getting rid of the smell? My only idea right now is to see if drying them every once in awhile would keep the smell down.
Re: Update on odor problems
I dried the entire stash. The pockets smell fine, the inserts smell fine, the elementals smell fine, but the BumGenius AIOs held onto the smell. How much vinegar do you use and do you just put it in with the soap or a rinse cycle?