
Pre-E and Twins

I just spent my 2nd time in Triage in the past 4 days because my blood pressure is very high at my NSTs.  Anyway, I'm doing a 24-hr urine and if it comes back positive, they said I'll likely be admitted until they decide to deliver the babies.  Is it pretty much normal to be hospitalized with Pre-E and twins?  Just preparing myself!
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Re: Pre-E and Twins

  • I was in the hospital for 1 week for pre-E a week before mine were born (at 37 wks).  I think it is pretty standard.  Honestly it isn't too bad - bring a computer/iPad if you can, pick up the baby books, and get to know your nurses and day time TV.  It was boring, but if I had known how tired I would be once mine were born I would have savored every minute of alone time in the hospital.  (Not that is was bad when they arrived - it was AWESOME, just blissfully exhausting :)



  • I was hospitalized at 28w5d for PreE.  We delivered at 33w6d, after 5 weeks of hospitalized bedrest, due to the PreE and severe IUGR with DS.  I had daily NSTs, which always led to BPPs, since one of the twins wouldn't cooperate...

    Good Luck to you!

    Mr. & Mrs. ~ 09.08.07

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  • I have no experience with this, but I just have to say that your Pugs are just PRECIOUS!

    I love Pugs!  :)

  • i'm at 33 weeks too and just had a 24 hr urine test b/c there was protein in my urine BUT my bp was 104/70...  i'm praying that it's not a big deal and i'm not hospitalized.  i get the results along with a growth scan, tomorrow so i'll update on the outcome.
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  • it's common to be hospitalized for pre-E, with any type of pg... it can be VERY dangerous and serious- so if your urin test comes out positive- take what they say seriously.

    i hope all works out OK. 

    I was delivered at 36w with my singleton b/c my blood pressure was going up and they were worried about pre-E... the day I was supposed to bring in my urine test I got my 3rd round of kidney stones- so they just said screw it and induced me since i was in hell with pain, and likely would have needed it anyway b/c of the blood pressure.


    I used to be Goldie_locks_5 but the new nest is so screwed up that I was forced to start over.
  • I was hospitalized twice for high bp. I did the 24 hour urines and they were usually right on the borderline. They let me go home and monitor my bp at home and then I ended up back in the hospital and stayed until they induced me at exactly 36 weeks. Here I am 6 months later and still have high bp :( they put me on meds but said it's likely I will be on the meds forever. I had never had high bp before.
  • I have been hospitalized with Pre-e and oligohydramnios since I was 23 weeks and 4 days.  i will be here until the twins are born hopefully not for awhile longer.
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  • You are more prone to getting pre-eclampsia with a multiple pregnancy because it is caused by the placenta. Since you have more placenta(s) your risk is increased. The same goes for GDM.
    Lilypie Premature Baby tickers
  • I was admitted at 32 weeks because of it. It's fairly common in multiples pregnancies. I was able to hold out a week and a half before I delivered.
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  • I have been hospitalized since 23 weeks 4 days for oligo and pre-e. I get daily NSTs and BPPs. They also monitor intake and output and check vitals every 4 hours. They are hoping that I can make it into the 30 weeks. 
    Lilypie Premature Baby tickers IVF #1 BFP Beta #1 528 & Beta #2 1514
  • I was admitted to the high-risk pregnancy unit 3 times when I was pregnant (for shortening cervix) and spent over a month there on bedrest. Most of that time, I didn't have a private room and had LOTS of roommates come and go. I'd say 90% of them were there due to pre-e. I also had borderline pre-e when I delivered at 36w4d. So, it's very common.
  • Sorry I'm just lurking. I don't have twins but I've had pre-e with both my previous pregnancy and it is very common to be hospitalized with pre-e or possible pre-e even without twins. Good luck.
  • Thanks everyone.  The lab I dropped the urine off at yesterday morning sends it out (which I didn't know) so I'm doing another today to take to the hospital later for immediate results.  It is comforting hearing that many of you have been here!
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  • I found out yesterday I have toxemia which I believe is the same as pre-e from what Ive read. they sent me home. I go back thurs and they want to check my #s again and I've had induction date set for sun/mon already since Im full term. They didnt hospitalize me but said depending on my #s thurs they may want to admit me. Honestly since Im full term I just wish they would induce me so it doesnt progress and get bad over this next week. I have read its very common with multiples to have this but it still doesnt make it any fun! hang in there :hugs:
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