Luckily we didn't have to wait too long at the ER. They took xrays and nothing was broken so they sent us home with ice and Advil. He's able to walk around which is good but as the morning was wearing on he was getting more and more stiff. I'm sure he'll feel worse before he feels better, but luckily the damage seems to be minimal.
Of course, neither my son nor the person who hit him bothered to call the police and he didn't get her insurance information either. I was informed at the hospital that I have to submit the bill through my car insurance because my health insurance won't pay for injuries sustained in a car accident. I am NOT happy about this. I mean, I get that it is the law, but seriously? He doesn't drive, I was in another state and now my car insurance is going to go up? Such a great day all around. Ugh.
We did file a police report on the off chance that the person who hit him calls in herself later, but I'm not holding my breath on that one.
Re: We're home
Wait, a woman hit your son and left?
I'd be livid! I'm so sorry.
Kelly Monaghan's 5K - 5/15/11 - 3rd Place in AG
Walk the Talk 5K - 5/18/11 - 31:12 PR
Ridley Run 3.1 - 4/14/12 - 1st race of the year, 32:45
Oh wow. Glad he's going to be okay. I agree that it's not fair that you get stuck with the bill.
I don't know how all insurance companies work, but I used to work for State Farm and I am almost positive that when determining rate increases, they only took into account when they paid out on a comprehensive or collision claim over a certain $ amount. Since this will be paid under the medical coverage portion, hopefully it won't affect your rates.
Glad your son is going to be fine!
FFS, who hits a kid with their car and doesn't provide insurance, personal info, etc? Talk about bad luck. As though you son was supposed to be in any sort of state to ask for the information himself. WTF?
ETA: having read the responses, if it in fact was a little old lady, all the worse. At some point people have to stop driving. Sad fact of life.
And more importantly, glad your DS is ok.
Chances are your insurance will not go up.
It's considered an uninsured motorist claim/med pay/personal injury claim and those (in most instances) do NOT increase your premiums. You should be fine. And actually, bonus, no copays!
I'm glad he is ok! That's so scary - for both of you!