DS has recently been having meltdowns (i.e. I left the room this morning and he totally freaked, mushing the banana he was eating in his hands and throwing it all over the floor!).
He's also been having a fit when we drop him off at daycare...
Is this an 18-month old thing or possibly a reaction to the new baby coming in a couple of months?
Any suggestions on how to deal with it?
Re: 18-month old tantrums - age or new baby?
I had DD when DS was 18 months. We went to the pedi for a visit with the baby and DS was at home with my mom. The pedi was a new doc and asked me if we had other kids, I told him yes and he's 18 months and having a hard time and acting out. he said, "the best piece of advice I can give you is; know that its his age. He would be acting out whether you had a new baby or not" That made me feel SO much better. I was 1 wk pp and felt helpless...his words helped me a lot and I relay them to people who I feel need to hear it.
its the age. Hang in there, it gets easier when they have more words.