I haven't changed a diaper on an uncircumsized baby in 20yrs, we dont plan to circumsize our boys just looking for some tips or suggestions to keep LOs nice and clean using CWs and CDs. Sorry if TMI but do I pull the skin back each time to wipe clean? TIA
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Re: CDing uncircumsized boys?
As an infant you NEVER pull back the skin to clean it... it can cause tearing/bleeding/scar tissue. After the baby turns 1, gently try to retract the foreskin, if the foreskin retracts, clean underneath (only as far as the foreskin retracts - no soap yet). If the foreskin does not retract, don't force it. Once the foreskin can retract easily on its own, then teach your boys how to clean it themselves.
As for CDs - my LO isnt circ'd, and Ive never had to do anything special... just keep the tip of the penis pointed down so he doesnt spray up and out of the diaper!