I was reading a post another board and someone asked about imaginative play. I'm wondering how old kids develop this skill. I taught Special Education so my experience with kids are not "normal".
I'm thinking of the way the little girl was playing in Toy Story 3 with her dolls and the cardboard box.
Re: Imaginative Play
You may find this helpful and interesting:
Scroll down to page 6. Also 8-11 describes pretend play development.
Symbolic play development is FASCINATING! At least, I think so.
I'm with you... I work in EI so I am around more delayed than typically developing children. But my own boys are 32 months... a little over 2.5 and have been doing pretend play for 3 months or so now. They will pretend they have picture frames that need to be hung on the wall, hand them to me... I'll put them up.. they'll tell me I put it in the wrong place, then I have to walk down the hall and move it.
Last night Nathan pretended he had a turtle in his hands and took him through the house all the way to bath and bed. Telling Joey not to squish it in tub, etc. They have vivid imaginations right now.