can someone tell me about the sunshine radian carseats? I have seen lots of posts about them but since we are in infant carrier stage I haven't paid much attention. Is the perk that they are slim? Any other feedback/thoughts on them? I'd love to move to something that allows 3 across when we're done eith the carriers.
Re: s/o Radians -- can you tell me about them?
They are super narrow, and rated very well for safety. We got them b/c they are the tallest seats we could get for my super tall 5 year old.
I do think they're a difficult install RFing (thought we were pretty good and were 0/3 on doing it right.) Took our carseat technician 90 minutes to do 2 seats.
There is a lot of stuff you can do with them that you can't do with other seats because they have a steel base instead of a plastic one. So, for instance, you don't HAVE to tether it RFing if you're using LATCH (which you usually do if it's an option.) Also, the shoulder straps can be below their shoulders FFing, letting them stay in a 5 point harness longer.
Anyway, just get it inspected by someone who knows what they're doing and then call Sunshine if there are any questions. (Our other issue was they were touching the front seat while RFing, which would be a no-no with a regular seat, but the Sunshine engineers said it was ok b/c of the steel frame.)
I'd try it in your car and see how it works before committing. It's not unheard of to buy one seat for RFing and another for FFing when you have different needs.
ETA: before this we had Britax Roundabouts and Marathons, and while they were easy to use, my oldest outgrew the Roundabout for RFing height at 13 months (WAY earlier than I wanted to turn him) and the Marathon for FFing before he was 4.