So I'm almost 11 weeks with my first baby and decided yesterday after talking to a friend that I'm going to cloth diaper with Fuzzibunz! Her daughter was/is the same size my baby will be (thin baby's/toddlers on both my side, and my hubby's side) And she LOVED them with no leaks etc. So we've added them to our registry.
Do you ladies have any tips or anything for me that the "websites" don't tell you? Thanks!
Re: Just decided to cloth diaper!
Ditto to all of this. I thought that my baby had no chance of being anything but skinny, and it turns out that she was a chunk! I thought I would love fuzzibunz, but they ended up not being a good fit on LO. She leaked all the time. I wish that I had done a diaper trial from jilliansdrawers before purchasing any diapers. We ended up really liking bumgenius 4.0s and blueberry OS, along with GMD prefolds.