LGBT Parenting


This is mostly a vent....sorry ladies

 We were suppose to have our IUI monday, Dr gets the sperm today and the tank had malfunctioned! Now it is to late to get sperm shipped to the office by Monday so we are S.O.L this cycle! I am so angry becuase the cryobank is making us have our dr office file a claim ect before they will refund us or ship us new vials.

Not only that but we pay for all of our fertitlity help out of pocket!

Im angry and considering switching cryobanks even though I know that is probably a bit dramatic!

Thanks for listening (reading)!

Ash & Amanda

Re: Frustrated!!!

  • Which bank is it? Can the ship overnight?
    Met 07/07/05, Wedding 07/07/07, Legal Marriage Ceremony 12/9/12, Baby Boy Born 08/09/13 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Fairfax cryobank, and they do ship overnight but no on the weekends.
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  • They won't give you a refund if the tank malfunctioned?

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  • My photo would be part of the definition of apeshit if this had happened to me. I think you need to let the bank know it is not acceptable for them to make you jump through hoops to get a refund. Stuff happens - it's not their fault that the tank malfunctioned - but please, customer service? This makes it impossible for you to do what you paid money, IN ADVANCE, to do. They have to fix it quickly, apologetically, and nicely - not deny you a refund (i.e., refund your money on the condition that they receive a claim from the doctor's office in x days, or they'll re-charge your account).
  • That's really sad :( I'm so sorry that happened to you ladies. Any way the IUI could be done on Tuesday? Or will that be too late? 
    Me(30) & DW(33) Married August 19, 2011. Mommies to a beautiful pooch. TTC#1~IUI#1-Nov 30/12=BFN IUI#2-Dec 30/12
  • Oh how hard! I'm so sorry that happened. We used Fairfax and had no problems, but I guess even a great bank can have their days. I hope this all gets straightened out soon and you are on to an IUI!!!
    IUI #1 (50 mg clomid and ovidrel) - BFN
    IUI #2 (100 mg clomid and HCG trigger) - BFN
    IUI #3 (Gonal-f and HCG trigger) - BFN
    IVF #1 - 21 retrieved, 20 mature, 15 fertilized (ICSI), 2 d5 blasts transferred, 8 frozen - c/p
    FET #1 - BFFN
    FET #2 - BFN? c/p? Either way no baby
    FET #3 - No shock...BFN
    FET #4 - BFN :-(
    Surgery and TTC cancelled - pursuing surrogacy
    7/31/12 Surrogate got a +HPT!!!! BabyFruit Ticker
  • That's so hard... but I believe in fate... maybe your next cycle is meant to be your LO. Good luck, I know the wait can feel unbearable at times.

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  • Can your Dr's office store the sperm for a period of time?  We would always ship ours a week or two out, just to make sure they received it ok.  Maybe you could look into this for your next cycle?  Sorry this happened to you, we also had to pay out of pocket, and it can be expensive and frustrating at times.  We had to switch donors x2 due to low sperm count/ motility, and they would only give us a 50% refund (we purchased a lot so my partner and I could have related children). I wish you good luck in the future!
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  • imagetdmklm:
    a refund (i.e., refund your money on the condition that they receive a claim from the doctor's office in x days, or they'll re-charge your account).

    Well they have their money, everything is 100% paid for. So for them I guess they don?t care, we miss a cycle. We have just decided that it probably wouldn?t have worked this time so maybe god or someone was intervening to save us some heartache.....

  • Thanks everyone for the encouragement, Im not as angry as I was friday. After a really good weekend with my partner and our 2 daughters I have calmed down. I am now looking forward to next cycle!


    Ash & Amanda

  • imagemindingpandq:

    That's so hard... but I believe in fate... maybe your next cycle is meant to be your LO. Good luck, I know the wait can feel unbearable at times.

    I'm with you, mindingpandq. For all those failed attempts at IUI we had prior to getting pregnant with our first, I had to ask myself, "would our daughter be as perfect and as healthy if we had gotten our wish sooner?" She was well worth the wait. I know it's hard when someone/something out of your control happens to make you wait longer, but trust that it will be well worth the hassle and extra wait. :) Hang in there!

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