Situation: DH's family does a gift exchange, $100 limit per person. This year I want to suggest that we either eliminate the gifts to the adults OR lower the price to $50.
Problem: I have already started E on making handmade gifts for the grandmas, grandpas, aunts & uncles. Grandmas & Aunts are getting handpainted bags. Grandpas & DH are getting something handmade appropriate for them. I haven't decided what, except DH is getting an apron with E's handprints on them that says, "Emme's chef."
So if we eliminate the gifts to the adults but you received a handmade gift, would you feel like we broke the rules of no gifts? It would be Emme giving the gift to them, not DH & I.
Re: Question about Christmas
IMO that is not breaking the rules b.c they are going to buy her gifts, yes? I would think of that as more of a thank you gesture than a gift, know what I mean? We are drawing names this year but I will still have my boys buy for the adults as a "thank you". We only have my mom/dad, bro/gf, and DH, so I gave him $10 per adult in Target and the gifts he chose were HYSTERICAL. I'll totally do that again because that laugh factor alone was worth the $50.
I think that a handmade gift from a child is not breaking the rules, but rather very cute and teaches reciprocal giving, which is important (to me anyway).
Thanks for your thoughts. E loves to do arts & crafts so I am having her make the gifts this year. She is having a blast painting the bags. Plus, we get to work on our color mixing and she sees that yellow & red make orange, etc.
Next year I will probably do the $10 limit in Target. I can only imagine how hilarious that can be.
Nope. We usually do not do that until mid November.
Even though you have a child of your own now? I know my family will totally rock the handpainted bags. My SIL is now a mommy though so I don't know how she would feel.
The bag is large enough though that it makes a great beach bag, overnight bag, etc. It isn't just a "purse" size.