Northern California Babies

I don't want to do birthday parties for DD anymore.

They are just too stressful for me.  Today is the day I put as the RSVP date and only one person has RSVP'd so far.  DD made her list of kids she wanted to invite and wouldn't let me invite the people who I wanted.  Now I'm sad that no one but her one friend has RSVP'd to let me know they are coming.  I know she will have fun if it is only her one friend but it makes me not want to have parties in the future.

Oh and I'm on an emotional roller coaster because I am no longer taking any type of hormones so I'm all out of wack.  This is why I'm probably being over emotional about all of this. 


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Re: I don't want to do birthday parties for DD anymore.

  • I am sorry you are so stressed about it. Just have fun and next year maybe just do something as a family.
  • Planning birthday parties IS hard and stressful!  My kids birthdays are 6 months apart, which is great because I feel like I need 6 months to recover before having another party!  No one ever RSVPs and it is frustrating.  If you feel up to it, you can contact guests to follow up and say you're trying to get a headcount.  Or just make assumptions for how many you think will be there - there are always people at our parties that never RSVPed!

    Good luck and hang in there!

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  • Hang in there.

    As long as DD has fun that is all that matters....and sounds like she will no matter what.

    Party planning makes me a head case. I find that a huge glass of merlot usually helps. ;)

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  • ugg!!!! but no matter what Sara is going to have a good time. Plus she doesnt care for the whole all focus on her right? so a smaller party maybe easier on her. :)
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  • Yeah, party-planning is definitely stressful for most of us.  Maybe you could still invite a couple of people that *you* wanted to invite -would she really notice?  And if they come bearing gifts will she really care?  ;)  If they're good friends I'm sure they'd understand why you couldn't invite them to begin with.  I'm sure more people will RSVP and ditto pp -a small party is probably better anyway.  I think J gets so overwhelmed w/the parties he's had in the past that it takes him at least an hour to start having fun!  I'm looking forward to when he's a little older and we can just take him and a friend or two to an amusement park or something.  Maybe you can start doing that next year?  Just have a small gtg someplace fun (no cleaning!  yay!) instead of a party? 

    In any case, try not to stress too much.  Whatever happens I'm sure S will have a blast anyway!  {{HUGS}}

  • I hear ya.  I have no advice, just commiseration.  Dreading it now that A is in Kinder and I'm a teacher at his school- we have to invite everyone or no one, it's just a nightmare. 

    I think I'm going with this rule from now until age 10- you get to choose one or two friends (hopefully not school friends) and do something special, a movie, bowling, etc. I don't even want to think about it, total nightmare. 

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  • The funny thing is she keeps telling me we are going to Disneyland this weekend for her b-day.  No idea where she got that from other than the past 3 years we have taken her to DL for her b-day but we didn't buy annual passes this year.  I think next year I'm going to give her the choice of a very small party or going to DL.  
    107 Read/listened to in 2011: 91 Books/16 Audiobooks
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  • imagedirtbikemom:
    The funny thing is she keeps telling me we are going to Disneyland this weekend for her b-day.  No idea where she got that from other than the past 3 years we have taken her to DL for her b-day but we didn't buy annual passes this year.  I think next year I'm going to give her the choice of a very small party or going to DL.  

    I can see at this age where she'd be a little stuck on the DL thing since that's been the norm for her.  I hear ya on parties though and it's exactly why this year (Andrew's turning 4) is the first year we've had a real party for him.  I can't tell you how much *** I've gotten from family but in the past he was happy as a clam to have some cake after dinner as a family and I didn't have to deal with a bunch of crapBig Smile.  Now that he's got friends and is old enough to care I'll deal with it all but I'm not looking forward to it either.

  • ((((HUGS))))) I am sorry you put all that effort into it and only one person is coming. As long as she is happy about who is there, that would be what matters most.

  • I don't blame you. We skipped the party last year (too expensive, too much stress for me and I never really got to enjoy myself) and did a family weekend trip to Monterey. He had a blast! This year we're going to take a trip to the Jelly Belly factory and take him wherever he wants for dinner.
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  • :( I'm sorry...I'd be bummed too. Hugs! 
  • Don't feel bad Janet. I am stressing too. I just called everyone or texted. Most said that they forgot. So hopefully all will end up well.
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