January 2011 Moms

Yay for the weekend

Ok, so i'm so excited for Saturday!!!  My friend and his wife had their second baby on the 15th and we are going to meet her Saturday!!  I'm so excited to hold a itty bitty baby!!  They also have an almost 2 year old (he'll be two next week) which Cooper has not met yet..so that's exciting! 

Anyone have exciting plans??

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Re: Yay for the weekend

  • My inlaws are coming. I'm jealous of your weekend. :(
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    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • i can't tell you how excited i am for today & this weekend. MY PARENTS ARE FLYING OUT HERE!!!!!! i love seeing my parents & havent seen them since june when they helped us move out to NM so they missed p sitting up, crawling, eating solids, he's got a few more teeth, etc. they can't wait to see him. they'll be here for a week so it will be so nice to have some extra hands around here & just get out & explore with them.
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    I think this is the first weekend we haven't had football games or ballet recitals or helping friends move or whatever in months.  Last week H had on call too so we all really need some time off.

    Though, today I have an eye appt.  I need new contacts hardcore... I haven't gotten new ones since I was pregnant.

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  • Ugh, I don't know what's up this weekend. I'm trying to book 2 facials for me and my Nanny on Sunday but can't seem to get even 1! My mom was going to babysit so we could go...my DH is going to the Jets game.

    On Saturday, we may do some fall/winter clothes shopping for the family. I already bought JT a whole new wardrobe in 18m size and a bunch of stuff in 12m but I still want more - and Gap is having 30% off sale...their stuff is so cute!!! 

  • hope everyone has a great weekend! Britt what's the baby's name?
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  • imageffejsGirl:
    hope everyone has a great weekend! Britt what's the baby's name?

    The baby's name is Abbey Renee

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  • That is exciting! I love squishy little newborns!!! Awwww!! We are going to my in laws tomorrow night to celebrate my birthday with them and my sisters-in law and their families. My in laws have been in Montana all summer and haven't seen my little guy since June. They have missed so much. He is like a whole new baby now..they are going to flip out on his cuteness!! Lol!! :) So it should be fun.

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