My daughter resists wearing her wool covers and longies almost every single time I try to put them on her. I started wool last falls so it's been from about age 9 months until now at 20 months. She never has any rashes from it and acts fine once I actually get them on her if I can get them on her. The wool is not scratchy so that's not the issue. She even resisted sbish knit longies this morning and they are the softest things ever! She somewhat does this with all clothes, but it's especially dramatic with wool. Do you think this is just a control issue or what? It's driving me crazy to the point that I think it may just be better to sell it all, but I really love it.
Re: Why doesn't she like wool?
My daughter does this over hand knit or crocheted wool or acrylic. She squalls or fusses a bit, but then once I get them on her she gives up. It started a couple of months ago. She's been wearing wool since 4 months old, so I think it's just a control issue.
Needless to say, I don't force it on her all the time, but I'm not selling off the offending wool. She'll get over it or she'll decide to PL.