
version procedure before c-section option

anyone attempt to turn their breech baby by the version procedure at the hospital before scheduling a c-section? I am nervous about it not working and also the possible chance that his heart rate will drop and they will have to take him right then and there anyway by c/s....or by turning him the cord could get wrapped around something? they way I am looking at it now is...that he is breech for a reason so why mess with him. thoughts?? thanks! Very nervous & scared, don't know what to decide on.

Re: version procedure before c-section option

  • I used to live in chs!  I agree with your thinking.  I feel he is that way for a reason. Maybe the cord is limiting him from turning? if so, that could be a disaster if he was turned possibly ending in an emergent csection or worse.

    I personally did not have my lo turned nor would i in the future if we have more kids. I felt and still feel a scheduled c section is much safer than an emergent one or one after being exhausted after a long labor.

    I am very happy with how my c section turned out.  Good luck with your decision, go with your gut, it is usually right. 

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  • imagenic5606:

    I used to live in chs!  I agree with your thinking.  I feel he is that way for a reason. Maybe the cord is limiting him from turning? if so, that could be a disaster if he was turned possibly ending in an emergent csection or worse.

    I personally did not have my lo turned nor would i in the future if we have more kids. I felt and still feel a scheduled c section is much safer than an emergent one or one after being exhausted after a long labor.

    I am very happy with how my c section turned out.  Good luck with your decision, go with your gut, it is usually right. 

    thank you for your response, how was your c-section experience? was it a scheduled one? please fill me in on the details of your c/s 

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  • I had this option and turned it down.  The risks are tiny but ALL of the risks are to the baby.  I had a positive experience with my c/s and would make the same decision again.
  • imagelilylow:
    I had this option and turned it down.  The risks are tiny but ALL of the risks are to the baby.  I had a positive experience with my c/s and would make the same decision again.

    thank you for your response. Could you tell me about your c-section experience? I am very nervous about the scheduled surgery. Thanks! 


  • I personally would never do a version, my OB is highly trained in them and doesn't do them often (I completely trust her). There's risks that are scary-- and for the most part a planned c-section is relatively low-risk and safe. I believe breech babies are that way for a reason, my OB said recently that a lot of the time when a successful flip is done, the mom ends up with a c-section anyway. Babies are smart.

    It's totally up to you. I had an amazing c-section experience too. I think (for the most part) scheduled c-sections generally go very well (it's the unplanned c-sections that get most of the bad rap). There's a post below about the actual procedure, but I will say I was terrified going into it. I'd recommend being very vocal-- if you're terrified, tell them. Your anesthesiologist is your best friend. None of the prep they did hurt more than a pinch, and I had numerous people in the operating room who were there to distract me (my husband, the anesthesiologist,  the baby nurse, a med student), and my #1 tip-- I asked them not to tell me when they started. I didn't want to know the moment I was being cut open, the visual in my head was bad enough. But you can't feel a THING, so it's different than you think. The baby was out in 20 minutes, and from there on, we were just SO happy. My husband was with the baby the entire time (I was too, but I was on the table of course). The entire surgery took less than an hour, and recovery was just a room with my husband, my mom came in, and the baby nurse. I nursed right away, and I could feel my legs within 30 minutes. I felt great. Not in pain, not sore, incredibly blissful. 

    Anyway, long story short, it's not a vaginal birth, but it was still a good experience.  

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  • imagelilylow:
    I had this option and turned it down.  The risks are tiny but ALL of the risks are to the baby.  I had a positive experience with my c/s and would make the same decision again.

    Same thing. To me, the risks were just not worth it. DD was born with an exceptionally short cord, so it turns out she was just where she needed to be.

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  • imagecaradull:

    I had this option and turned it down.  The risks are tiny but ALL of the risks are to the baby.  I had a positive experience with my c/s and would make the same decision again.

    thank you for your response. Could you tell me about your c-section experience? I am very nervous about the scheduled surgery. Thanks! 


    Here is a link to my birth story and my recovery.



    If you have any questions feel free to email me.

  • My c section was scheduled for 39w exactally. It was a wonderful experience. I went in to the L&D, the put me in my room. Started and IV and monitored the baby. Gave me IV fluids and an antibiotic just before the surgery.

    Walked to the OR, sat on the table and the spinal was placed. Not bad at all. The numbing medicine stings a bit and then you feel a little pressure and it is all done.

    They lay you back and let DH/SO in the room if not already there. They prep you now. Place drapes on you, place a catheter in your bladder to drain the urine( you do not feel it because you are numb)

    Some women feel more numb then others. Some women describe a feeling of it being hard to breath. That can be scary, but you can breath.  I did not have that feeling.  I could actually still move my legs a bit when they cut, but could only feel pressure which is normal.

    They began the surgery and the baby was out in minutes. Then they took out the placenta and cord blood ( I banked it) and then began to sew me up.

    They cleaned up my baby boy and handed him to daddy.  My baby never let the OR until I did. When the were done suturing me up, they gave me the baby and we were wheeled back to our room to recover.

    They helped position me and I breastfed upon returning to the room. He was on the breast with in 60mins of delivery at the latest.

    It was a great experience. Painful after, but worth it. Take the pain meds. They made me sick at first and I only took tylenol and motrin, HUGE mistake.

    Once on dilaudid, oxycodone made me sick, I was feeling much better.  Section on wednesday morning,went home saturday.

    If I have another I will def be having another csection.

    Good luck again.

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  • I had a version at 36.5 weeks. It was not successful, but I would do it again in a heartbeat. If you're interested in it, you probably should look up statistics, not just go with anecdotal stories or "what if" scenarios. ECVs have a very high success rate, with a very, very low rate of complications. The risks of a c/s (although also fairly low) were higher, IMO.
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  • imagenic5606:

    My c section was scheduled for 39w exactally. It was a wonderful experience. I went in to the L&D, the put me in my room. Started and IV and monitored the baby. Gave me IV fluids and an antibiotic just before the surgery.

    Walked to the OR, sat on the table and the spinal was placed. Not bad at all. The numbing medicine stings a bit and then you feel a little pressure and it is all done.

    They lay you back and let DH/SO in the room if not already there. They prep you now. Place drapes on you, place a catheter in your bladder to drain the urine( you do not feel it because you are numb)

    Some women feel more numb then others. Some women describe a feeling of it being hard to breath. That can be scary, but you can breath.  I did not have that feeling.  I could actually still move my legs a bit when they cut, but could only feel pressure which is normal.

    They began the surgery and the baby was out in minutes. Then they took out the placenta and cord blood ( I banked it) and then began to sew me up.

    They cleaned up my baby boy and handed him to daddy.  My baby never let the OR until I did. When the were done suturing me up, they gave me the baby and we were wheeled back to our room to recover.

    They helped position me and I breastfed upon returning to the room. He was on the breast with in 60mins of delivery at the latest.

    It was a great experience. Painful after, but worth it. Take the pain meds. They made me sick at first and I only took tylenol and motrin, HUGE mistake.

    Once on dilaudid, oxycodone made me sick, I was feeling much better.  Section on wednesday morning,went home saturday.

    If I have another I will def be having another csection.

    Good luck again.

    thank you for sharing your birth story with me, makes me feel more comfortable if I know what to expect Smile 

  • imagel_elizabeth:

    I personally would never do a version, my OB is highly trained in them and doesn't do them often (I completely trust her). There's risks that are scary-- and for the most part a planned c-section is relatively low-risk and safe. I believe breech babies are that way for a reason, my OB said recently that a lot of the time when a successful flip is done, the mom ends up with a c-section anyway. Babies are smart.

    It's totally up to you. I had an amazing c-section experience too. I think (for the most part) scheduled c-sections generally go very well (it's the unplanned c-sections that get most of the bad rap). There's a post below about the actual procedure, but I will say I was terrified going into it. I'd recommend being very vocal-- if you're terrified, tell them. Your anesthesiologist is your best friend. None of the prep they did hurt more than a pinch, and I had numerous people in the operating room who were there to distract me (my husband, the anesthesiologist,  the baby nurse, a med student), and my #1 tip-- I asked them not to tell me when they started. I didn't want to know the moment I was being cut open, the visual in my head was bad enough. But you can't feel a THING, so it's different than you think. The baby was out in 20 minutes, and from there on, we were just SO happy. My husband was with the baby the entire time (I was too, but I was on the table of course). The entire surgery took less than an hour, and recovery was just a room with my husband, my mom came in, and the baby nurse. I nursed right away, and I could feel my legs within 30 minutes. I felt great. Not in pain, not sore, incredibly blissful. 

    Anyway, long story short, it's not a vaginal birth, but it was still a good experience.  

    thank you for sharing your birth story as well! makes me feel better about the decision I have made....which will be a scheduled c/s on Nov. 7th Smile 

  • imagehonkytonk_kid:
    I had a version at 36.5 weeks. It was not successful, but I would do it again in a heartbeat. If you're interested in it, you probably should look up statistics, not just go with anecdotal stories or "what if" scenarios. ECVs have a very high success rate, with a very, very low rate of complications. The risks of a c/s (although also fairly low) were higher, IMO.

    This.  I had an usuccessful version at 37.5 weeks.  I would definitely try it again if I had another breech baby.  My OB said he had actually never seen any complications arise from a version procedure in his career.  I would much rather try a version and vaginal birth than recover from major surgery again.

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  • I actually just had this done this morning.  It didnt work for me and I am still having a c section but it was worth a try.  I will tell you that it is extremely painful and uncomfortable.  I feel like i got hit by a truck.  My baby did fine the whole time.  No distress.  The doctor had an ultrasound going the whole time and a heart monitor as well.  I felt better trying it once i knew that my baby would be watched very carefully.  Hope this helps!
  • imageaubs8181:
    I actually just had this done this morning.  It didnt work for me and I am still having a c section but it was worth a try.  I will tell you that it is extremely painful and uncomfortable.  I feel like i got hit by a truck.  My baby did fine the whole time.  No distress.  The doctor had an ultrasound going the whole time and a heart monitor as well.  I felt better trying it once i knew that my baby would be watched very carefully.  Hope this helps!

    Glad you let us know how it went! Good to hear that the baby was in no type of distress too. When is your c-section scheduled for? I scheduled mine today for two weeks from now and of course I am nervous about the surgery now lol 

  • I had a version procedure at 38 wks for breech presentation, but it wasn't successful. I did not get an epidural for the procedure because my doc told me it would make it more likely for a c-section delivery that day and I wanted the baby to have all the time in the womb she could get.  The version was not a success for me so we scheduled a c-section for the following week.  The baby would not turn past a 1/4 rotation to one direction and she would not turn at all if pushed to the opposite side if that makes sense.  The version itself took more out of me than I had anticipated.  I was pretty tired and sore for the rest of the time leading up to the c-section.  When K was delivered the cord was wrapped around her neck twice, which explained why she wouldn't turn!  The c-section itself was not the nightmare it was in my mind before the procedure.  Everything went very smoothly, recovery was slow but doable.  If I knew then what I know now I would probably still have attempted this version procedure with my daughter.  I needed to feel I had done everything within safe reason to have a natural birth.  If I get preggo again and the baby is breech I will probably just go straight to the c-section! 
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  • They scheduled mine for Nov 4th.  I was hoping it would be sooner bc i can not wait to see him but it gives me 2 weeks to finish up all the last minute items i need to get still
  • My sister had a successful version before giving birth vaginally to her son.  From what I heard though, it was an uncomfortable procedure for her.
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  • I had a version done a day shy of 39 weeks. It was extremely uncomfortable and they tried 3 times. My DD was frank breech. So anyways.. it was unsuccessful. And the next day I went into labor naturally. I had to get the c section and the actual c section procedure was very short and sweet. Recovery was pretty difficult. 

    In the future I would not get another version.. but that is just because I already had a c section and I wouldnt be as scared about it. I was wanting a natural birth very badly so i wanted to try every possible option.  You need to do what is right for you. The likelyhood of them having to take you into an immediate c section from a version is extremely LOW. They will know within the first few minutes if your baby is going to turn. They will not keep trying if they see that its stressing the baby. You will have two monitors on. One for you and one for the baby.

    Also they suggest for you to take fentinyl. And I would say to TAKE it. I was against any drugs and wanted everything natural.. BUT I am so glad i took it because I was in a ton of pain during the procedure and I could not imagine it without the drugs. And the drugs wear off in thirty min. Good Luck girl!!! 

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  • LO was breech. My doctor offered a version but I declined. We scheduled my c-section for 39 weeks 1 day...and my water broke at 35 weeks 5 days (3 days after we had scheduled the surgery with the surgical dept). LO was still breech the day my water broke, so c-section it was.  My recovery went extremely well.  

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  • I was offered a version, but during the u/s they said it would be difficult b/c I had anterior placenta and LO had a large head and was already measuring 8lbs at 37 weeks. They predicted only a 20% chance of success so I declined. 

     However, if your comfortable with chiropractics there is a technique called the Webster Method that has a really high success rate. Instead of trying to turn the baby it works to open your hips to give the baby room to turn on their own. I tried it, and was unsuccessful, but it is most likely because we waited until my 38th week to try this. Either that or like you said.. maybe there was a reason LO didn't want to turn. I feel confident that I did everything I could to give my LO the opportunity to what she needed to do. 

    My c-section went very well. I was absolutely terrified. The recovery was difficult for me I was in a lot of pain and I felt bad that my DH was changing all the diapers and bringing me food and water, but after about a week I was feeling almost normal, just had to be careful not to overdo it.

    HTH. Good luck! 

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  • DO THE VERSION!  I had a successful one at 38w.  But, I ended up having a c-section anyway for a failed induction.  C-sections SUCK but I would have have a version anytime to try to avoid a c-section. 
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  • I turned down the external version at 35 weeks. The risks outweighed any benefit it would have yielded and when I was told my fluid levels were 'borderline' that's what did it for me. You really should trust your gut. If you have serious apprehensions, which you do based on your questions, then by all means turn it down.

    I'd rather carry to term in breech presentation than risk being premature. My son was born at 36 weeks, 6 days and was deemed "near term" because he was just hours shy of the 37 week mark. I had him earlier than planned because his movement slowed down dramatically for two days straight and was told it as due to low fluid levels.

    Joseph Michael - 12/22/2010
    5lbs 9 oz, 18.5 inches long
    6 months: 16lbs 15 oz, 27 inches long

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