Love them all! You don't get to pick and choose who you see so there's no avoiding any of them.
So its not like traditional midwives where you get to choose who is at your delivery?
If thats the case, that is a huge let down. Thats half the point of a midwife over a dr for me!
From what I've heard, there aren't a lot of traditional midwives in the area, unless you have a home birth. I've even heard jokes of them called "med"-wives in the area because they do so many epidurals, inductions, etc.
Now, that isn't to say that I haven't heard great things about Trihealth Midwives, I have.
I ended up going with Dr. Bowen and Dr. Wall at The Bowen Center for Women's Health. They are in Springdale, but they will deliver at Bethesda North, Good Sam, or Mercy Fairfield. So far I have only seen Dr. Wall, but I am very happy with the practice. They are VERY natural friendly. I originally wanted a midwife, but wasn't happy with any of my options, and am glad that I chose them instead
Welcome to the world Finley Michael - born 2/13/2010
Baby Sister is coming soon!
Thanks for the info- I will check them out although Springdale is really far for me. I really wanted to choose one provider and be with them through the whole process (including delivery). I do not like the idea of not knowing who will be in the delivery room!
What part of town are you in? It's about 15/20 minutes for me, but I am really happy with it! I love knowing that it's one of 2 doctors and that both have the very same views on delivery.
I have had a delivery with both Trihealth Nurse Midwives (my first) and Dr. Bowen (my second). All of the midwives are great and were very supportive of me going natural. They take their time with you at your appointments and I had plenty of time to discuss and get questions answered. You can make your appointments with whomever you choose, but they recommend you seeing everyone, because they have an on call schedule for who is at the hospital, so you are not guaranteed a particular midwife for delivery.
I took a Bradley Method course during my first pregnancy and planned for a natural birth. At my 40 week appt, my blood pressure was high... they checked for pre-e and monitored me that week on bedrest at home (offered me an induction but I declined), and they were open and willing for me to be involved in the decision making process that week, but didn't want me to go past 41 weeks due to my "elevated bp" and were going to induce me at 41 weeks, but I went into labor. Sue Wenn was on call and let me wait it out a bit with my bp at the hospital, but really pushed for me to take pain meds to "help bring my bp down". Reluctantly agreed to nubain, which knocked me out, and when that wore off she wanted me to get an epidural and bottom line pushed me into it in the end. I'm a nurse and don't feel like my blood pressure was dangerous or anything, but she made me feel that way. I guess at the time I didn't even consider blood pressure medication and I'm not an L&D nurse, and Sue acted like pain meds were the only option to help with my bp. I did have a vaginal birth, but I think because they have a physician overseeing them, they may have other requirements. One of the midwives said to me postpartum, that if I would have gone to a regular OB practice, that I would have probably ended up with a c-section. So with that in mind, I felt thankful that I delivered vaginally. Obviously I wanted baby and I to be safe, and although I was bummed about not having my natural birth, was still happy with my experience with them.
I didn't have a great experience with the pedi at Good Sam, so I wanted to deliver this time at Bethesda (where I work also). I have also heard nothing but absolutely rave reviews about Dr. Bowen and decided to go there for my second pregnancy. He is very natural friendly, is well known for being supportive of vbac's, and is a backup OB for many homebirth mama's. I had a great experience with him and Dr. Wall during my pregnancy. They were very relaxed and open to all our natural birth plans. My blood pressure was fine during my second pregnancy also, and then when I got to the hospital when I was in labor, it was high and remained high during labor. He never even mentioned anything, nor did the nurses do anything, about my blood pressure. It was not an issue. No one even tried to get me to take any pain medication, and I had a 42 hour labor with the last 10 intense hours on Pitocin because I was not having any effective contractions. They only reason I even got Pitocin is because my water had been broken for over 24 hours, and despite all my efforts of walking and doing everything imaginable and recommended to have contractioins, they just weren't coming along. I had a doula with my second pregnancy, which I encourage very strongly. The combination of my doula, my husband, and my incredible natural friendly L&D nurse helped me get through Pitocin the Evil We found out my daughter was posterior at 8cm and she was just not dropping. Dr. Bowen came in and had me start pushing when I was at 8cm and the pushing plus him manually turning her helped her to drop and deliver within minutes. I had an absolutely incredible team and am so very thankful that I was with Dr. Bowen's practice, and he allowed everything to progress the way that it did.
Seeing Dr. Bowen this time, and seeing how my labor went, and how my blood pressure was, makes me question the reasoning that I was pushed into getting the meds with the midwives.
If you are wanting a single midwife to see, and are interested in doing a home birth, there is a Cincinnati Home Birth group where you could get information on home birth midwives. They have a monthly meeting (I did not attend, but am a part of the online group).
Hope that helps!
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Re: Trihealth Midwives
So its not like traditional midwives where you get to choose who is at your delivery?
If thats the case, that is a huge let down. Thats half the point of a midwife over a dr for me!
From what I've heard, there aren't a lot of traditional midwives in the area, unless you have a home birth. I've even heard jokes of them called "med"-wives in the area because they do so many epidurals, inductions, etc.
Now, that isn't to say that I haven't heard great things about Trihealth Midwives, I have.
I ended up going with Dr. Bowen and Dr. Wall at The Bowen Center for Women's Health. They are in Springdale, but they will deliver at Bethesda North, Good Sam, or Mercy Fairfield. So far I have only seen Dr. Wall, but I am very happy with the practice. They are VERY natural friendly. I originally wanted a midwife, but wasn't happy with any of my options, and am glad that I chose them instead
Welcome to the world Finley Michael - born 2/13/2010
Baby Sister is coming soon!
Thanks for the info- I will check them out although Springdale is really far for me. I really wanted to choose one provider and be with them through the whole process (including delivery). I do not like the idea of not knowing who will be in the delivery room!
What part of town are you in? It's about 15/20 minutes for me, but I am really happy with it! I love knowing that it's one of 2 doctors and that both have the very same views on delivery.
Welcome to the world Finley Michael - born 2/13/2010
Baby Sister is coming soon!
I have had a delivery with both Trihealth Nurse Midwives (my first) and Dr. Bowen (my second). All of the midwives are great and were very supportive of me going natural. They take their time with you at your appointments and I had plenty of time to discuss and get questions answered. You can make your appointments with whomever you choose, but they recommend you seeing everyone, because they have an on call schedule for who is at the hospital, so you are not guaranteed a particular midwife for delivery.
I took a Bradley Method course during my first pregnancy and planned for a natural birth. At my 40 week appt, my blood pressure was high... they checked for pre-e and monitored me that week on bedrest at home (offered me an induction but I declined), and they were open and willing for me to be involved in the decision making process that week, but didn't want me to go past 41 weeks due to my "elevated bp" and were going to induce me at 41 weeks, but I went into labor. Sue Wenn was on call and let me wait it out a bit with my bp at the hospital, but really pushed for me to take pain meds to "help bring my bp down". Reluctantly agreed to nubain, which knocked me out, and when that wore off she wanted me to get an epidural and bottom line pushed me into it in the end. I'm a nurse and don't feel like my blood pressure was dangerous or anything, but she made me feel that way. I guess at the time I didn't even consider blood pressure medication and I'm not an L&D nurse, and Sue acted like pain meds were the only option to help with my bp. I did have a vaginal birth, but I think because they have a physician overseeing them, they may have other requirements. One of the midwives said to me postpartum, that if I would have gone to a regular OB practice, that I would have probably ended up with a c-section. So with that in mind, I felt thankful that I delivered vaginally. Obviously I wanted baby and I to be safe, and although I was bummed about not having my natural birth, was still happy with my experience with them.
I didn't have a great experience with the pedi at Good Sam, so I wanted to deliver this time at Bethesda (where I work also). I have also heard nothing but absolutely rave reviews about Dr. Bowen and decided to go there for my second pregnancy. He is very natural friendly, is well known for being supportive of vbac's, and is a backup OB for many homebirth mama's. I had a great experience with him and Dr. Wall during my pregnancy. They were very relaxed and open to all our natural birth plans. My blood pressure was fine during my second pregnancy also, and then when I got to the hospital when I was in labor, it was high and remained high during labor. He never even mentioned anything, nor did the nurses do anything, about my blood pressure. It was not an issue. No one even tried to get me to take any pain medication, and I had a 42 hour labor with the last 10 intense hours on Pitocin because I was not having any effective contractions. They only reason I even got Pitocin is because my water had been broken for over 24 hours, and despite all my efforts of walking and doing everything imaginable and recommended to have contractioins, they just weren't coming along. I had a doula with my second pregnancy, which I encourage very strongly. The combination of my doula, my husband, and my incredible natural friendly L&D nurse helped me get through Pitocin the Evil
We found out my daughter was posterior at 8cm and she was just not dropping. Dr. Bowen came in and had me start pushing when I was at 8cm and the pushing plus him manually turning her helped her to drop and deliver within minutes. I had an absolutely incredible team and am so very thankful that I was with Dr. Bowen's practice, and he allowed everything to progress the way that it did.
Seeing Dr. Bowen this time, and seeing how my labor went, and how my blood pressure was, makes me question the reasoning that I was pushed into getting the meds with the midwives.
If you are wanting a single midwife to see, and are interested in doing a home birth, there is a Cincinnati Home Birth group where you could get information on home birth midwives. They have a monthly meeting (I did not attend, but am a part of the online group).
Hope that helps!