
Where's my girlfriend?

so, I cannot lend that book to you for some reason. 


...but I can just give you my log on info and you can read all my books :) 

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Re: Where's my girlfriend?

  • Do you have a kindle?

    If so, you can share email/accounts.  Deregister your kindle.  Reregister it under her name.  She can then download all the books from yours to hers.  Then deregister it again.  Reregister it back in your name.

    I found this one because I bought my MIL one for her birthday and I had it registered under my email account with Amazon and when I went to transfer it to hers, it asked if I wanted to transfer my books (from my Kindle #1 (mine) to hers (which was Kindle #2 at that point)).

    Make sense?

  • I just have the kindle app on my computer.
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  • imagesophiaswan74:
    Good luck.
    Daisypath Wedding tickers
  • She's a spammer. She posts an invisible hyperlink with her responses. 
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