I think a bunch of us have had our twins (or more) in the last couple of months - anyone up for a check in?
How are you coping with the lack of sleep?
Are you on a schedule or just playing it by ear?
What do you do with the babies when they are awake?
Do you have help?
Re: So who has got newborn (ish) twins? Roll call
How long are babies "newborns?" Do my LO's qualify?
How are you coping with the lack of sleep? Lack of sleep is actually not as bad as I thought at this point. For the first month if I got less than 4 hours sleep I made sure to get a nap in the evening when I crashed. Now that I get 6-7 hours I night (not all at once of course) I feel pretty good usually. Of course sometimes I just need an extra nap and I try not to feel guilty about it.
Are you on a schedule or just playing it by ear? We try to keep a 3 hour schedule but if one baby wakes up I let them snack before the next big feeding. No matter what I make both eat at the 3 hour "mark." If they are both awake early and ready to eat then I just feed them. Luckily, it has never been earlier than 2.5 hours so I think it's been a pretty successful schedule.
What do you do with the babies when they are awake? When the babies are awake we just try to do lots of face to face time, tummy time and talking, singing etc. Of course the babies really don't participate in anything but I still try. And of course, sometimes they sit in their swing or whatever while I frantically fold laundry or try to get things done.
Do you have help? For the first 4 weeks I was on my own as my husband worked out of town 5 days a week. Now, he is laid off and we both get to be home all the time. It may not be the best financial situation but we are LOVING it!!
I can't wait to see all the responses, this was a good idea!
Are you on a schedule or just playing it by ear? Schedule! They eat every 3 1/2 -4 hours and when one is ready, they all get fed. I felt bad about waking one up in the beginning, but they're used to it now so they almost always wake up to eat within 15-20 mins of each other.
What do you do with the babies when they are awake? depends... awake and cranky or awake and quiet! The latter is very difficult - seems like one of the three is always a bit cranky!
Do you have help? DH lost his job back in July - so we've both been home with the babies and his family lives right around the corner. they're always willing to come over to help out which has been great!How are you coping with the lack of sleep?
It actually hasn't been that bad! then again, I've been cosleeping so that I can nurse and sleep at the same time.
Are you on a schedule or just playing it by ear?
My guys are still pretty young (2 weeks) so right now all they do is nurse and sleep so there isnt too much to schedule. However, I'm still waking them every 2 hours at night to eat until Asher reaches his birth weight (still has 7 oz to go..). After that I wont wake them to eat, however if one wakes, I will wake the other one as well because I tandem nurse.
What do you do with the babies when they are awake?
Mostly just nurse, with the occasional laying them on a blanket so they can kick around and stare at eachother and me.
Do you have help?
Besides dh? Nope.