They are talking about it on the Toddler board but I really wanted some MoM input. What is your list for your Lo's and how much are you spending on them?
We just had our party for bday 2 weeks ago and they got the Laugh and Learn house and kitchen and books and stuffed animals and a dino poppin thing and remotes and clothes.
So far on our Christmas list I have the Playschool riding toy that I keep seeing on TV and that its. We already have a stage 2 playset from oldest daughter and a large swingset and a barbie jeep and a fisherprice swing so need new ideas.
Re: Lo's Christmas List and Budget??
I don't really have a budget, since I started buying things a few months ago, and kind of just pick stuff up when I see something that's a good deal.
So far they have:
Dance Star Mickey (wanted to get it last year, but refused to spend the money on it, then found it at Target for $20 a couple months ago)
Teacup Piggies
A couple of playsets for Special Agent Oso and some other show I can't remember now
and some other little things that I also can't remember
I'm also building them dollhouses, and since I'm going all out on those, I probably won't make an effort to get anything else for them, other than stocking stuffers. The dollhouses will probably cost about $175-200 total when I'm done (if that helps with the budget question).
my girls will be about 3 months old so they'll get nothing from us. cruel i know!
my parents don't do their own shopping for my kids, they give me a budget and I do it so I always end up using up all my good ideas on gifts from them.
my DD1 has never cared who it was from, so this worked out nicely for us, but this year she asked for her own necklace like the mothers necklace i got off of etsy so i told her she'd get it for christmas. i think we will get a wii too so she can burn off energy during the winter. otherwise i wait to see the black friday ad from toys r us
I don't even know what to get the boys for their bday next wk! Like pp said, they are so small, they haven't a clue what is going on. Plus, both sides of our families will be gifting a ton (as they did last yr - which by the way I'm still opening gifts from last Christmas).
So, they'll prob get some new outfits and shoes.
But I think their bday / Christmas gift is the pool fence we need ASAP! LOL
"If we couldn't laugh we would all go insane" -- Jimmy Buffett
you are so not cruel- our girls were 2 1/2 months last year and got nothing from us, our parents got them present and we decided we would just wait until this year.
I think I will mostly pick toys from black friday ad as well to get good deals!