Northern California Babies

best place to deliver and obgyn suggestions?

I just found out I'm 5 weeks along.  This will be our first baby so I have SO many questions.  We've been in the bay area for 2 years and only have 1 or 2 friends who have children, so my resources are limited.  

I usually go to my family practitioner for my annual visits so I'm in search for an OB/GYN in the South Bay Area.  Any suggestions?  I'd like to use a doctor that is associated with a good hospital and are not opposed to hypnobirthing.  My girlfriend talked about it and I'd like to explore the option.  I know its the year 2000 but I've always put in my mind that I don't want an epidural (despite what my husband says).  My mom didn't so if she can do it, I feel like I can.    

Also, where are the best places to give birth in the Bay Area?  I've heard UCSF, Stanford, and Oakland.  Those are a tad far out for me.  Any thoughts on El Camino, Good Samaritan, or Washington Hospital?  I think I've ruled out O'Connor and Santa Clara Valley Medical.  

 Any information you can provide me would be GREATLY appreciated.  I'm in the process of trying to set up appointments with OB/GYNs.  Thanks!  

Re: best place to deliver and obgyn suggestions?

  • Congratulations on your pregnancy! 

    I had both of my boys at El Camino Hospital (one vaginal and one c-section) and have nothing but great things to say about the L&D at that hospital.  With DS1, I didn't feel that they pushed the epidural on me at all - the nurses really followed what I wanted (DS2 was the C-section, so no choice there).

    My doctor is with the Palo Alto Medical Foundation (PAMF/CMG) in Mountain View.  I normally see Dr. Anna Anderson, but during my pregnancy with DS2 she went on maternity leave herself (she's back now) and I saw Dr. Kenneth Grolle (he actually delivered both boys and I credit him with not having to have a c-section with DS1) .  I think people either love or hate Dr. Grolle.  He knows his stuff and is very no-nonsense and doesn't coddle, which is perfectly fine with me.  When I saw Dr. Grolle at my 6 week pp visit he mentioned that he was moving to the Sunnyvale office.

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  • Congratulations!

    I had both of my kids at Good Sam and had great experiences both times.  I have nothing but good things to say about Good Sam.  

    For doctors, I really like Los Olivos Women's Medical Group.

    Good luck!


    Ms. A  - 2007, Mr. C - 2009
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  • From those you listed, I would choose El Camino.  They have tubs.  I would rule out Stanford unless you're high risk.  It's a teaching hospital, so interventions are very common.  I'd also avoid Washington.  They are not natural birth friendly.  Not on your list, which would be my high on my list, are Valley Med in Santa Clara and Sequoia in Redwood City.  Actually on my list as well would be O'Connor, since they have good midwives and are pretty open to med-free labor and hypno.
  • i had Baz at El Camino Mountain View and it was fabulous. It was a scheduled c-section, though, so I can't speak about natural burths.

    Celyn knows of what she speaks - I trust her opinion.

    My OBGYN is on their campus...i have to look up her number. I really like her. 

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  • Just had my baby at Good Sam. Awesome staff and very nice accommodations. I second Los Olivos as well. I see Dr Mary Imig and LOVE her.let me know if you have any specific questions about either the hospital or OBGYN.
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