June 2011 Moms

Thankful Thursday

With all the "unhappy" thoughts surrounding UO and FFC, I remembered awhile back on TTGP they did Thankful Thursdays.  So, feel free to add what you are thankful for...

I am thankful that I have a job I really enjoy.  Teaching is a wonderful thing, and getting to teach science is even better!

I am thankful for a husband who does 50% of the parenting and housework and is loving and for 2 awesome girls!

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Re: Thankful Thursday

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    I love this and often don't participate in the other 2.  Although they do make me laugh!  I am so thankful for 2 beautiful children and a husband I have been married to almost 10 years who just makes my life better in so many ways!

    I am also thankful my mom can help with the kids and the money we give her allows her to do the fun things in life even though she lost a job she loved last year after 25 years.

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    for pretty much everything in my life. Everyday I seriously count my blessings.

    My baby, My DH, our Families, our home, our health,

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    I am thankfull for having 2 amazing Moms! My MOM and my MIL!!! I love them both dearly and am so thankfull for everything they do for us!

    Our World!!


    Blaine Emerson                  Bailey Rae

    3-31-14                               6-10-11

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    I'm thankful that my daughter is a healthy 4 month old and most other stuff just doesn't matter.  Thanks Dragon mom and Phlenin for the reminder.
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    I am thankful for Mr. and how hard he works for our family.I am also thankful for play dough, crayons, and paint because they keep A out of my hair for a few minutes!

    DD1 | Jan 2009
    DD2 | June 2011
    DS1 | Oct 2013
       ADD3 | Oct 2014 (April 2001)
    DS2 | June 2016
    DS3 | Dec 2018

    Due with baby blob August 2021

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    I'm thankful I have off work tomorrow and can spend all day with my amazing little boy
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    I am thankfull for having 2 amazing Moms! My MOM and my MIL!!! I love them both dearly and am so thankfull for everything they do for us!

    Happy for you, but so jealous!  Wish I remotely got along with my MIL.

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    Good idea.

    I am thankful for my husband/best friend.  (AW: We had our first date 12 years ago this month!) Of course I am thankful for our beautiful son too and my sweet dog Ginger. 

    Also thankful for my friends from college. They have become an extension of my family and treat V like he is their nephew. Even though our group is spread across the US, we keep in constant contact through email and text and I feel closer to them than ever.

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    I am thankful for having a happy baby. She has a wonderful temperament. She is all smiles when I wake her up. She is a great little girl. She also sleeps 10-12 hours, and that makes me a very happy & well rested mom.

    I am also very thankful to have such helpful people in my life. I have a great set of friends that have included me in everything, which I thought might not happen, since I'm the only one with a baby. 

    And I am extremely happy for this board. I never participated in a message board regularly before, so this was new and I didn't know how it would go. I've had bad online experiences b/c people tend to be mean and snarky when it's the internet and not irl, but this is a great group of moms Big Smile

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    I'm thankful that my LO is healthy and happy.  I'm thankful he has so many people who always want to see him and love him so much.  I am thankful for my MIL for speaking Swedish to him every time she sees him because DH certainly does not!  I'm thankful for our home, DH's job, and after a long day, a glass of wine. Big Smile
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    As much as I hate that Macy doesn't sleep at night or nap very well, I am thankful to see her adorable, smiling face every day and that she is a healthy, happy 5 month old.  I am also thankful for DH and everything he does to help.
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    I am thankful that my husband understands how much it means to me to get to be a SAHM. Sure things would be easier if I worked full time but all I ever wanted for my child (and future children) is to be able to watch them grow up and not have to worry so much about working also. 

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    Thankful for MH who let me sleep for a glorious 30 min this morning after LO nursed since she got up at 5:45!

    And, like April, so thankful for everything in our lives.

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    I think we did this once a long time ago. It didn't stick but I will definatley participate. :)  

    My mom was one of those moms many people would judge (she never took vitamins or went to the doc when she was pregnant with me. She smoked and did drugs. She was a stripper. She has been married 4 times and I bounced from house to house of different boyfriends she had in between). I say all this but I love my mother very much. She is more of a friend to me however than she is a mom.

    I am thankful everyday to be alive. I am thankful that I had enough strength and sense to make a better life for myself (my brother wasn't as lucky). I am thankful for my baby girl. Most people dreamed of having a career. My only dream was to be a mom and give my child what I didn't have. I am living my dream and I thank the Lord everyday.

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    I'm thankful that after a year of infertility issues we were able to get pregnant and that our LO has arrived and she's happy and healthy.  I'm also thankful for my DH who has taken such an active role in raising/helping out with DD. 
    BFP #1: 9/26/10 DD: 5/2011
    BFP #2: 7/23/14 - MC: 8/28/14
    BFP #3: 2/22/15 - MC: 3/3/15
    BFP #4: 5/20/15 - Stick baby stick!!!
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    I love this idea.  I am thankful to have a healthly and happy baby boy, my husband, our great families and friends, to be employed (even though Im not crazy about my job), and just being able to see another day!
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    I am thankfull for having 2 amazing Moms! My MOM and my MIL!!! I love them both dearly and am so thankfull for everything they do for us!

    THIS!!! I don't know what I would do without them. I'm also thankful for DH, and my friends. I'm also really happy to read something purely positive here.

    D13 June Siggy Challenge Awkward (Awesome) Bathing Suits
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    I'm thankful for wonderful friends and family.  It has been a really hard month for me, and today will be one of the worst days of the month, and my family and friends have been beyond supportive.
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    I'm thankful that my LO is healthy and happy.  I'm thankful he has so many people who always want to see him and love him so much.  I am thankful for my MIL for speaking Swedish to him every time she sees him because DH certainly does not!  I'm thankful for our home, DH's job, and after a long day, a glass of wine. Big Smile

    I love this!

    BFP #1: 9/26/10 DD: 5/2011
    BFP #2: 7/23/14 - MC: 8/28/14
    BFP #3: 2/22/15 - MC: 3/3/15
    BFP #4: 5/20/15 - Stick baby stick!!!
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    I am thankful for my healthy baby, my amazing, hardworking H, both of my Moms, and our loyal, sweet dogs.
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    I'm so thankful that my little guy is healthy and thriving and both of our families (DH's and mine) have been so supportive and loving!

    I'm thankful that my MIL loves watching DS while I work three days a week! 

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    I am thankful for two very wonderful, happy, healthy children. My husband and mother who are both very amazing supportive people.
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    I am incredibly thankful for a husband that at least tries to help me around the house. I'd rather him try and me go behind him and do it my way than have him sit on his rump and me get irritated about it.

    I'm thankful that me and my mom are so close. She truly is my best friend. The one person I feel like I can go to with anything. Not to mention that when we get into a spat its over in ten minutes and we're laughing about it afterward. My poor dad just looks at us like we're both bonkers.


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    I'm forever thankful we have a happy, healthy 4-month old.  I hear so many babies with so many health problems...I am so grateful! 

    And while it has not be the smoothest year for us, I am quite thankful for DH and his support.  That he does stuff around the house.  He takes care of the baby when he knows I need a break (when he's home).  I'm thankful for what he does both in the community (he is a police officer) and for the country (national guard).  Both of these jobs, especially he's 'day job' dont' get enough respect these days...becoming quite thankless jobs actually.

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    I'm most thankful for my amazing husband. It's the best feeling to know you are truly loved and he never fails to let me know that I am. He is such a great partner and I love that we still have fun doing nothing together.

    I'm thankful for this little girl of ours. She truly brightens our life and makes the future seem even more exciting. We can't wait to give her a sibling and complete our family.

    I'm thankful for WW for breastfeeding moms. I'm finally starting to lose the weight I had pre-pregnancy and it feels great.

    Oh, and this one's trivial...but I'm so thankful to have just tracked a package online and to see that my K-cups are en route to me! I have needs. Coffee needs, y'all.

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    I am thankful for our supportive friends and family. Just had a really great conversation and found out that once I have my degree (December 12) I have a PT job waiting on me that I can do from home. It will be so nice to be a WAHM.
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    I'm thankful for a DH who came up behind me last night, gave me a hug and said "I want you to know you are a great mom, and I don't give you enough compliments".

    I'm also grateful for red velvet cupcakes. Possibly a smidge more for the cupcakes.

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    I'm thankful for a DH who came up behind me last night, gave me a hug and said "I want you to know you are a great mom, and I don't give you enough compliments".

    I'm also grateful for red velvet cupcakes. Possibly a smidge more for the cupcakes.

    LOVE that!

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    I am thankful for the 2 amazing men in my life.  T and DH are my world and I couldnt ask for more.  Everything else just doesnt matter.

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    for pretty much everything in my life. Everyday I seriously count my blessings.

    My baby, My DH, our Families, our home, our health,

    This... life is so short. And things happen all of the time. I thank God daily for a healthy baby, a caring hard working DH, Health, and jobs that allow us to give our LO the things she needs!

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    I just wrote a huge blog post about this!

    I am thankful for being healthy now, and that D did not inherit my heart defect, so that I am spared the fear and heartbreak my parents experienced. 

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    And Then There Were Three...
    Married: 08/14/10
    Baby #1 Born: 06/18/11
    June Moms Blog
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    I am thankful for my DH, my LO, my job, and my health. Word.
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    Similar to everyone else - I am so thankful to have a healthy child.  I just can't get mad over the little things because I feel so blessed.  I always tell DH, I'm not sure what we really did to deserve such an amazing gift.  I'm also thankful we have such loving and supportive family. 
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    I thought of another one. I am thankful that no one has decided to wonder up to me and give unsolicited advise, nor have I ever felt judged by anyone. (strangers or people I know) 

    I read here about all the comments from random strangers or family and friends with their unnecessary judgments and it makes me very happy that people around me are able to mind their own business and or understand that I know whats best for my baby. 

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    Thankful to have two babies that are growing healthy and happy
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    I'm so very thankful for Rylee's adopted grandfather! I was sad during my pregnancy that Ry wouldn't have a grandfather (my father is an abusive drunk that doesn't even know about her, and DH has never met his father). I was really close with with my Papa and the Lee part of Ry's name is for him. One of the amazing men I work with has been like a dad to me since I met him 8 yrs ago, has fallen in love with Rylee, and now we call him Papa Joe, and Rylee loves him! He's just the kindest, gentlest person, and will be a wonderful influence in my daughters life!
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    I am thankful for my job. Though I don't like being away from LO I have somewhat flexible hours and I can work from home sometimes. I am very lucky to have the job that I do have.

    And I'm of course thankful for LO. I love the lil' guy!

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    Rainbow baby, EDD 7/8/14, missed miscarriage 12/5/13. 
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    I am thankful for husband who works so hard to provide for us. He is a HS band director and between marching band practice, football games, and his second job teaching lessons, he has a lot on his plate... But is still willing to come home and take baby duty so I get a break.
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    Thankful to have two babies that are growing healthy and happy

     You have beautiful girls!

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    I am thankful for my happy healthy daughter who surprises me daily and brings me so much joy.

    Also for my dogs who are never stingy with their love. 

    And for all the awesome military wives I've met out here that are always willing to help me and who love Maya.  We may be far from home but she still has many "aunties"!

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