
What siblings do you have?

?Dh and I have decided that we will probably adopt a child in a few years which will give us DD and one other child. I have always thought that I would want one of each but now I'm wondering if I want us to adopt a girl so that DD has a sister. I am one of three girls so it seems odd to me that my daughter wont have any sisters. ?So what did you grow up with and any positives/negatives.?
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Re: What siblings do you have?

  • I have one sister who is 18 months younger than me. We got along great up until high school and now that we're adults we finally get along good again. DH was an only child. We both knew we wanted a lot of kids. He said he was always so lonely.
  • I have two sisters and anything else feels weird to me too.  DH has two brothers and feels the same way.  He wants to have a 3rd so he can give DS a brother.  If only it was that easy!

    Growing up with 2 sisters was intense, but we're BFFs now.  There's still some bickering even now, though.

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  • I have a brother 5 years younger than I am.  We get along great.
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  • I have one older sister.  We are friends now but growing up we faught all the time.  Our personalitys are very different so it made getting along very difficult.

    DH has an older and younger sister.  They are all really close and I think had very few fights.  There is 3 years between the oldest and youngest.

  • I have a brother and a sister and we are all close.  My sister and I are 17 months apart so growing up we fought a lot, but now we get along great.

    I am more of a friend with my sister and more of a big sister to my brother, if that makes sense.

  • I have a twin brother and a sister 2 years younger.  I would say as children my bro and I were closer.  We hung out a lot even through high school.  We had many of the same friends as well.  Since going off to college my sister and I have become VERY close.  We talk 6-7 days a week and generally tell each other everything.  I can't imagine a DD not having a sister, however my brother spent his entire childhood wishing for a brother, so I don't know if I can imagine DS without a brother either.
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    I have an older sister who is almost 3yrs older than me.  I had a brother who was 18months younger.  ( he was killed 18months ago.  VT shooting vicitm) 

    I was closer the Jarrett growing up because my sister wasnt into playing dolls or really anything.  She was more into listening to music, reading and school stuff.  Jarrett would play dolls with me and I would play cars and in the mud with him.  Now that we are older Alicia and I grew closer because of the sister bond.  Esp since Jarrett was killed.  We text or talk every day.  Alicia and Jarrett were closer than me and either of them because even though Jarrett and I played together and Alicia and I had that sister thing going for us they had the same interest in school.  Both very smart and in college.  A helped J a lot with picking a Grad school.  (he was to graduate in May 2007)   

    Basically we were all close but in different ways. 

    I think it has to do a lot with your kids and not so much as if its a sister or brother you have.  I have seen brother/sister relationships be closer than brother/brother or sister/sister.

    Thats why you need 4.  :)  Have 2 boys and 2 girls.  That is actually the "perfect" family.  That way both have a sister and a brother. 

  • My brother is 2 years younger than I am and we fought like you would not believe growing up... now, we are great friend and talk at least 3 times a ? week
  • I have a little sister 2 years younger than me, we are SO opposite it's not even funny! We get along get ever since she hit her 20s and realized that growing up can suck LOL! She's my BFF and a GREAT auntie to my babies.
  • I have 1 older sister who is 3 years older. We fought up until the time I started high school.  We have been pretty much friends from then on.
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