Attachment Parenting

BLW: anyone have any tricks for pears (or other slippery foods)

DS loves pear, it's by far his favorite food.  But he can't keep it in his hand.  I've been using a mesh feeder, but it's gotten quite gross.  I had read that you can roll slippery foods in cheerio dust, and gave that a whirl, but it created a paste that could rival super glue.

The best thing that works so far is for me to hold it, and then he holds onto my hand to bring it up to his mouth/push it away.  But just wondering if anyone has figured out anything better.

Nathaniel David 3/22/11 #2 due 12/16/12

Re: BLW: anyone have any tricks for pears (or other slippery foods)

  • That won't create the paste that the cheerios did?
    Nathaniel David 3/22/11 #2 due 12/16/12
  • I'd like to find an answer to this too! I've tried using wheat germ and same just makes a paste and LO gets so mad that she can't pick it up.
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  • imageEllaHella:

    That won't create the paste that the cheerios did?

    I can't remember to be honest. 


    Nathaniel David 3/22/11 #2 due 12/16/12
  • We cut it into a long shape like a steak fry but even wider and LO has had no problems. Another idea is to take out a "starter bite" and then give LO the whole fruit.
  • I have not personally done this, but we plan to try BLW with this baby... however your post immediately made me think of corn holders made only of bite-friendly material... does anyone know if there is a product out there like that?
  • You could use crinkle cutters.

    I got in the habit of giving him a wedge of the fruit, instead of a fry shape.  Or, like a PP mentioned, taking a starter bite and giving him the whole fruit -- or at least a good sized chunk.  Leaving the skin on also helps.  Don't worry, he'll get the hang of it soon enough Smile

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • I read once that you can roll them into the dry baby starter cereal, that way it adds iron (or whatever they are fortified with) 
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  • imagepixieprincss:
    We cut it into a long shape like a steak fry but even wider and LO has had no problems. Another idea is to take out a "starter bite" and then give LO the whole fruit.

    This. I cut off the widest parts of the pear to make circles, then cut the circles in half for wide fry shapes with the skin still on, and LO did great with those. He also did quite well when I handed over the core I had been working on. You could also try mashing pear (or other slippery foods, like avocado) on toast if you've incorporated bread.

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • We've been doing a steak fry shape with bananas and it has been working well for us.
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