So, we've been TTC our first (his second) since February 2010. I didn't see an RE until September 2010. Due to my long cycles, I didn't get my tests completed until October 2010. At first, we were told that his counts were a little low and that they couldn't figure out anything with me except that I didn't ovulate regularly. The RE wanted to jump straight to IUI. My DH is extremely needle-phobic (will pass out at the sight of one). We opted to do TI and Femara for six months. In March, my endocrinologist ran my annual blood work and added an androgen test after I told her about our difficulty conceiving. The blood work revealed high testosterone levels - PCOS. I have no other signs besides long ovulation periods. At the same time, I switched to an acupuncturist who specializes in fertility.
Due to the stress of selling a house, we took a break from Femara and the RE in July. To my surprise, I have been ovulating on CD 12 - 14 on my own every month. However, my LP is getting shorter (10 days this last time) which has never been an issue in the past.
I told my RE that I want to figure out what is causing the short LP before we go to IUI. I think this is a reasonable request. Considering how much of a sacrifice it is for my DH to do the mandatory bloodwork for IUI, I don't want to waste our chances. (Seriously - he's going to have to have Xanax for the blood draws). Am I wrong in thinking this? I've been really hesitating on doing IUI. I guess I'm just afraid that it won't work and then we'll be out of options (IVF is not an option for us).
Any insights? I feel like such a coward while typing this out, but I just don't know. Thanks for reading my long post.
Re: IUI Hesitation
I often pass out at the sign of needles so I understand where your DH is coming from. When I had allergy testing DH held my hand and whispered in my ear, this is for the baby. It helped, I did not pass out but the room did get black a few times.
If you want to look into the LP length before you do IUI then I think that you should do it. It is your body and your money. However, if I were you, I would have a long discussion with your RE about it. Tell her exactly what you want and why you want it. Once she understands that you are informed about your cycles she should be more willing to work as your partner and not just dictate what you need to do.