I was in the doctors office on Wednesday and they said nothing had changed/thinned etc., then my water broke Thursday night. Babies are in NICU, doing good, just have to learn to eat on their own, and gain some weight. Both weighed 4.2 pounds. Just thought I would tell you girls pregnant w/twins to rest rest rest, even if doctor acts like all is well. Something I wish I would have done more of...
Re: Twins came at 32 weeks...
A very similar thing happened to me. I was put on modified bedrest right around 32 weeks but I was also told that I was not having any changes from contractions, was never given an FFN etc. and then my water broke at 32 weeks 6 days. Best wishes for a speedy NICU stay, I'm glad to hear they are doing well!
If it's at all reassuring, my boys are now 18 months old and are healthy and thriving.
AW-congrats mama! Hudson and Landry came at 34.6 wks and Landry was 4.2 lbs. I know that they are little now but, you will be astonished at how quickly they will get bigger. Hang in there. Being pregnant with twins, giving birth earlier than you expect and having them in the NICU are all big things that you have to get used to.
While they are in the NICU, take care of you. They are in the best place they can be. Soon enough you won't have the time for you. You did good mama...everyone is healthy and being taken good care of.
Although it may not feel this way right now, 32 weeks is great. My MFM described it as the "magic" week, meaning that the babies would likely do very well if they could make it to 32 weeks.
That said, I understand what you are going through because I went through it too. It is a normal and common reaction to feel guilt about delivering premature babies.
Just know that there was NOTHING you could have done to change things. I rested completely and still delivered early and many women are very active and go full term.
It sounds like your girls are doing great and it won't be long now before they are both home with you.
Pop over to the preemie board if you haven't already, you will find a lot of women with similar experiences there.
My Blog - It's All Part of the Adventure
This is exactly what happened to me too! I hope your NICU stay is short...it can be tough, but hang in there! You will be amazed at how far they will come in such a short amount of time